Diabetics at high risk for lung disease: a study


People with type 2 diabetes may be at higher risk of developing a restrictive lung disease (DR) characterized by shortness of breath than non-diabetic patients, according to a study.

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – July 13, 2018): People with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus May Be at More Risk of Controlling Restricted Pulmonary Disease (LDL) with Shortness of Sore Than Non-Diabetic Patients , according to a study.

"Increased shortness of breath, RLD and interstitial lung abnormalities may be badociated with type 2 diabetes," said lead author Stefan Kopf of the Heidelberg University Hospital in Germany [19659003] Previous animal test results also show a significant link between restrictive lung disease and diabetes mellitus, so we suspect that lung disease is a late consequence of type 2 diabetes, "said Peter P Nawroth, professor at the university.

The study also showed that RLD is badociated with albuminuria – a condition where urinary albumin levels are high. This may be an indication that lung disease and kidney disease may be badociated with nephropathy – diabetic kidney disease.

For the study, published in the journal Respiration, the team badyzed data from 110 patients with long-term type 2 diabetes. 29 patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes, 68 pre-diabetic patients and 48 non-diabetics, who were the controls.

Participants were screened for metabolic control, diabetes-related complications, shortness of breath and lung function.

Results showed that RLD was found in 27% of patients with long-term type 2 diabetes, 20% in patients with newly diagnosed diabetes and 9% in patients with pre-diabetes.

patients with pronounced symptoms and RLD also showed CT-morphologically, a fibrosing interstitial lung disease.

Diabetics also increased pulmonary fibrosis – a condition where the air sac in the lungs becomes stiff and marked

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