Diablo 3 Nintendo will change Amiibo to be announced at BlizzCon 2018: Report


Diablo 3 for the Nintendo switch can get Amiibo according to the game data. Amiibo is Nintendo's lifelong toy range and it seems that the Nintendo Switch version of Diablo 3 can support three types. With the BlizzCon 2018 – Blizzard's annual convention for games like Overwatch, World of Warcraft, Hearthstone and Diablo, just days away, and Diablo 3 for the Nintendo Switch on the first day of the event on Nov. 2, we will not be surprised to see an ad at the time. Information about Diablo 3 Amiibo for the Nintendo Switch appeared on the Diablo subreddit and can all be used online and offline.

Diablo 3 Amiibo for Nintendo Switch

  • Default / Generic Amiibo
  • ] Amiibo Demon

As for what they can do, do you expect them to give you access to new enemies and loot the game if their description is a clue.

"The first two will create a portal leading to location (controlled by the server, it can not be datamined) while the amiibo daemon will generate a powerful daemon on the map," reads in the subfolder Diablo .

Cooling time of Diablo 3 Amiibo

  • 22 hours (1320 minutes) for gates
  • 45 minutes for demons

Diablo 3 Amiibo at BlizzCon 2018 makes sense when you consider that Diablo 3 for Nintendo Switch was released at about the same time and it cements the support of Blizzard on the Nintendo hybrid console. More without any Diablo 4.

Diablo 4 or other that Blizzard plans to call his successor to Diablo 3 will not be at the BlizzCon 2018. The series of role-playing games will debut on Nintendo Switch next month to the form of Diablo 3: Eternal Collection and a series of Netflix would also be in progress. However, if you are waiting for a brand new Diablo game, you can temper your expectations. Although the company says that there are "several teams working on different projects Diablo and we are looking forward to tell you more about them … when the time is right."

"We know what many of you hope for and we can only say that" good things happen to those who wait, but bad things often take longer, "reads a prepared statement. by Blizzard "We thank you for your patience as our teams work tirelessly to create nightmarish experiences worthy of the Lord of Terror. Although we are not ready to announce all our projects, we intend to share with you some information related to Diablo during the show. . "

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