Did you know? Some tomatoes and strawberries can cause allergies


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Did you know? Some tomatoes and strawberries can cause allergies

Have you ever thought that you could catch tomato and strawberry allergies depending on their variety? According to a recent study, tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) and strawberries (Fragaria x ananbada) can cause allergic reactions due to the presence of different allergic proteins, especially proteins that look like the primary allergen in the pollen of birch.

Broad-spectrum varieties were selected in both cases, differing in size, shape and color. In addition, the influence of organic and conventional growing conditions, as well as various treatment methods ranging from sun drying and oven drying to fruit freeze drying, were investigated.

It has been badumed that the concentration of the allergenic protein varies with the color of the ripe fruit, the state of growth and the method of transformation.

Twenty-three varieties of tomatoes of different colors and 20 varieties of strawberries of different sizes and shapes were examined to badyze the genetic factor of allergen protein expression in fruits.

The concentration of allergen in both types of fruit varied greatly from one variety to the other. In addition, the heat sensitivity of the proteins could be confirmed: if the fruits were exposed to heat during the drying process, their allergy potential was lower. However, the influence of culture conditions (conventional and ecological) on the allergen content was minor.

Therefore, the proteins studied in the studies (Sola l 4.02 in tomatoes and Fra a 1 in strawberries) could be used in the future

The symptoms of an immunological reaction to strawberries or tomatoes can affect the skin (hives or dermatitis), irritate the mucous membranes and trigger a runny nose, and can also lead to abdominal pain.

People with food allergies develop symptoms after eating fresh fruits or vegetables, while processed products are often tolerated.

The incidence of food allergies has increased in recent decades: it affects three to four percent of adults and five percent

The study appeared in the journal PLOS ONE

(With ANI Inputs)

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