Did you know? Survivors of head and neck cancer pose increased risk of suicide


According to the findings of the study, cancer survivors of the head and neck are twice as likely to end their life as cancer survivors and four times more than the general population. Is not it worrying? The study conducted by the University of St. Louis concluded that these findings had been published in the journal Cancer.

The reason may be that almost half of the survivors of head and neck cancer tend to become functional with disabilities after completing their treatment. and are unable to return to work. They have trouble doing their activities in the real world and their quality of life is getting worse. There is also a loss of productivity. This affects their physical and mental well-being by harming their health. In addition, persistent and lasting disfigurements or loss of skills can be the cause of depression, psychological distress, fear of recurrence and suicidal ideation.

According to Osazuwa-Peters, an badistant professor at the University of St. Louis in the United States, never before have people survived their cancer diagnosis. This tends to make lifelong surveillance crucial – being considered a cancer survivor will not tell you how good that person is. The team conducting the study examined 1.51,167 participants with head and neck cancer at the age of 20.

The suicide rate of these patients would have been compared to that of patients suffering from prostate, bad cancer, lung cancer, colon and rectum, melanoma of the skin, kidneys and pelvis, uterus , leukemia, pancreas, thyroid, stomach, liver, brain and other nervous systems, testes, ovaries and cervix. According to the findings, according to the findings, men, head and neck survivors, were at increased risk of suicide compared to survivors of colorectal, Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, kidney, leukemia, liver, melanoma, prostate, testes, thyroid and bladder. Yes, you heard right! It's shocking!

It would appear that among survivors, patients with cancer at the head and neck had an increased risk of suicide compared to survivors of melanoma, Hodgkin's lymphoma and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, leukemia, bad cancer, thyroid cancer, colorectal cancer, brain cancer. So, the study says it.

Published: October 27, 2018 12:45 pm | Updated: October 27, 2018 at 12:51 pm

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