Digital Hub to Rope in Colleges, Startups – Today's Paper


The Digital Innovation Hub, created by the Japanese automobile firm Nissan Motor, will seek to create links with colleges and national start-ups to boost the technological transformation of the company in different fields of exploitation .

The Hindu
On Friday, before signing a memorandum of understanding with the state government, Tony Thomas, vice president and chief information officer, Nissan Motor, said the company would work closely with universities to develop technologies for electric cars, autonomous and connected. A former student of the Trivandrum College of Engineering (TEC), Mr. Thomas stated that he had already spoken to his alma mater and other colleges of the state about a possible collaboration. with the new company.

"In the United States, we work closely with large institutions like Stanford University and Columbia University, and we will do the same here as soon as we start our operations. close to academia and give students exposure to the latest technologies we are working on. "

Stressing the need to equip students with the skills to prepare them for the industry, he said on Kerala government worked with Nissan to improve the supply of talent

"For better solutions"

M.Thomas said the company would also seek to engage with start-ups -up in Kerala. "We believe that they can drive better solutions to problems."

After signing the protocol of agreement with the government, the center of innovation would begin operations from Monday.

"From here the end of the fiscal year, we hope to achieve" Mr. Thomas explained:

He explained that the research center would seek to ensure the transition of the I & # 39; business to new technologies and new capabilities. "Ultimately, we will cover the full range of operations, from design to manufacturing, through the experience of our vehicles around the world," he said. he declared, the exploitation, the abundance of talents and the established presence in the Indian market while the choice of Thiruvananthapuram was dictated by the quality of life, the favorable ecosystem and the political support as well as connectivity.

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