Eating hot dogs can increase the risk of manic depression, colon cancer


A new study now concludes that eating processed meat could increase the risk of having a manic episode.

A study of people with psychiatric disorders found that people who consumed processed meat were three and a half times more likely to have been institutionalized for mania.

Manic episodes, where people become hyperactive, euphoric and unable to sleep, affect one to two people out of 100, including presenter Stephen Fry and Hollywood actress Carrie Fisher.

They are part of bipolar disorder.

According to researchers at Johns Hopkins University, while salami and prosciutto were not related to mania, the "meat sticks" cured were linked to an increased risk of malnutrition. ;hospitalization.

To test the effects of nitrates, the researchers added them to the diet of rats, which showed signs of mania after only a few weeks

In the human study, they were asked if they had eaten meat sticks in the shape of turkey and beef, meat sticks. , prosciutto and salami.

The study, published in the journal Molecular Psychiatry, found that nitrates altered intestinal bacteria in rats, which may be related to mental health problems. It follows the evidence that giving people with bipolar probiotic disorders, to alter their intestinal insects, makes them less likely to be rehospitalized.

Processed meat is also known to increase the risk of cancer of the intestine.

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