Egg whites or whole eggs: What should you have for breakfast?


You train regularly, watch what you eat (and drink too!) And sleep at the hour. In a nutshell, you are a health conscious individual who is always on the good book of a doctor, a fitness expert and a nutritionist. Thus, your restaurant order includes only grilled meats and salads and your regular diet is full of greens, vegetables, healthy fats, and so on. As breakfast is the most important meal of the day, you are more aware of what your morning plate has. He rarely sees that tempting sunny side, right? This is because you think that egg whites are healthier. However, recent research and experts have a different opinion about it. Here we are dealing with the egg debate for you.

Egg whites
Yes, egg whites contain virtually no fats or carbohydrates and about 100% of their calories come from proteins alone. Four egg whites will be equal to 14g of protein, 1g of carbohydrates, 0 of fat and about 70 calories. So, it is natural that they have been hailed as champions against the so-called problems (calories, fats and cholesterol) hidden in the yellows. But you should know something else about these healthy whites: They come with no nutritional value except for protein.

Read: What happens when you eat too much eggs a day?

that the yolk of your whole egg has a lot of cholesterol and fat. Four whole eggs equals 28g of protein, 2g of carbohydrates, 21g of fat and 312 calories. But your whole egg is also a gold mine! It is rich in vitamins A, D, E and K and much more. It has iron carrying oxygen, phosphorus forming bone, zinc stimulating the immune system and hematopoietic folate. Plus, the egg yolk contains a crucial nutrient called choline that improves brain health, boosts muscle strength and is necessary for a healthy pregnancy. Not sold on whole eggs yet? Well, here is another fact for you: The fats and cholesterol in this yolk are necessary for the secretion of hormones such as testosterone.

Whole eggs went through different phases to be good for you, then bad and good again. The main reason behind the wave of 'eggophobia & # 39; was his high cholesterol and saturated fat. Both were badociated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease. However, recent research, including one published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, stated that these two elements are not the crucial markers of coronary heart disease. There are also other studies that say that having more dietary cholesterol does not necessarily increase the levels of this compound in the blood.

A study by the International Journal of Obesity found that eggs can also increase weight loss! Participants in the study were divided into two groups: a fed group with an egg-based breakfast (2 eggs a day) and another, fed a breakfast made from bagels . The group that ate eggs saw a weight loss of 65 percent greater. Even the decrease in their waist was 34% higher than that of the group who ate bagel for their morning meal.

The verdict
Whole eggs are a source of nutritional energy. You should not avoid the yellow quality of the egg yolk. Opt for egg whites only when you need a fast protein explosion because dietary fat in your egg yolk can slow down the absorption capacity of your body's protein . But you should also remember that proteins, when they are slowly absorbed, stay with you longer. In addition, whole eggs have a strong amino acid profile that helps with bodybuilding.

Smart Buying Tip: Choose omega-3 eggs rather than normal eggs. They can be a good source of DHA, healthy fat found in fish and fish oil supplements as well. DHA increases brain power and helps you lose weight.

Read: Can you eat eggs and milk for gout? An expert shakes up the myths

Image Source: Shutterstock

Posted: July 10, 2018 6:15 pm | Last updated: July 10, 2018 6:36 pm

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