Elder Scrolls 6, it's a long way off, confirms Bethesda


If you're excited about the next mainline entry in The Elder Scrolls, you're waiting for a long wait. The VI Elder Scrolls, announced by Bethesda at E3 this year, will not appear on this generation of consoles and will arrive a day after Starfield, which is also very far away.

GameSpot has maintained with ZeniMax Online. The game director of Studios Matt Firor at PAX Australia on Friday, and the issue of a release date for The Elder Scrolls VI naturally arose. Firor has clearly stated that this would not be the case during the life cycle of the Xbox One or the PlayStation 4.

"There will be a different console generation from here, I will I'm sure, "said Firor.

Firor also reported that The Elder Scrolls VI is behind the Starfield RPG of Bethesda's space exploration in the studio's production pipeline. The company announced the presence of Starfield at its event at E3, just before teasing the upcoming Elder Scrolls game.

"The easiest way is to see how the announcement was announced," he told GameSpot. "You can go back and count the years between the releases of Bethesda Game Studios, and you will have the idea that [The Elder Scrolls VI is] will not come so soon."

If you follow his advice and look at the list of Bethesda Game Studios Among the major versions, you see four years between Morrowind and Oblivion, then two years later (in 2008), it is about Fallout 3. Three years after Fallout 3, we got Skyrim, then Fallout 4 four years later. That puts us in 2015, and now, three years later, we get Fallout 76 (the Elder Scrolls Online software was developed by ZeniMax Online Studios).

On average, about three years per big release from the house. But this is not a particularly useful measure, since the last game Elder Scrolls, Skyrim, is about to celebrate its seven years.
Whatever the case may be, Firor was quite clear on the fact that it will take a few more years to see The Elder Scrolls VI. But the good news is that we will certainly have time to play every version of Skyrim.

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