Elon Musk calls a diver in a Thai football team to rescue a pedophile


Elon Musk, Tesla's CEO on Twitter, this morning accused British diver Vern Unsworth of being a pedophile, after criticizing Musk's proposal to use a small submarine to save a football team trapped in Thailand

. The boy's football team but blasted Musk's submarine plan in an interview published by CNN on Friday. Among other comments, Unsworth said that the submarine "would not have made the first 50 meters in the cave" and that it was "just a shot of PR".

Musk, Responding to Other Criticism of the Professor and Columnist Zeynep Tufekci, 19459006, wrote this morning that "he has never seen this type of person". British expatriate living in Thailand (sus) at any time we were in the caves. "By" sus ", Musk can mean" suspect "which implies that a British person living in Thailand is in itself doubtful.

Musk continued to challenge Unsworth's claim that the submarine concept was impractical, saying that "we will make [a video] the submarine mini-cave 5 no problem Sorry, you really asked. "

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Thailand has the reputation of being the link between the badual exploitation of children, especially Westerners, but Musk offered no evidence for his claim that Unsworth is a "pedo." Because Unsworth was not a public figure before his recent rescue work, Musk's tweet could prompt a defamation lawsuit. Musk even doubled on the unsourced claim.

Musk's Twitter messages have been getting louder and more disturbing in recent months. Earlier, last December, Musk called an idiot an expert on critical transportation of his ideas. More recently, while denouncing media reports of Model 3 production problems, Musk unknowingly approved a fact-checking site.

There is still no indication that other members of Musk's companies are putting pressure on him to mitigate his public character, and Musk is exercising effective control over Tesla, thereby reducing his ability shareholders or members of the dissident council to control it

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