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While most of the world goes absolutely gaga on Fortnite, PUBG for Mobile introduced a gigantic 1.6GB update to his game to keep his audience more engaged. In this update, with many changes to the user interface, an improved frame rate, better guns, new accessories and more, a new mode was announced by PUBG . I'm talking of course about the intense "War Fashion" that has finally made its way to the mobile platform since Xbox and PC

  PUBG War Fashion.

PUBG War Fashion.

A little background first. I confess that I did not even touch PUBG on Xbox or PC, but I also know that it would not be an exaggeration to say that almost everyone who has heard about from PUBG in recent months has heard about it because of its mobile release. Although Fortnite is also available on mobile devices, it is now exclusive to iOS. According to various reports this will soon change as Tencent is actively working on an Android version that it plans to release very soon.

So did PUBG when he sees that the mbadive popularity of Fortnite could bite into his Android market? It releases the war mode. Being very satisfied with the modes of Clbadic and Arcade of PUBG I never thought that there would be another mode that could increase my level of dependency. I have never been wrong.

War Mode is nothing like what I saw on a mobile gaming device. This is a good idea of ​​the Deathmatch game mode and players will know that the popular games of shooting to death include Unreal, Call of Duty, Half-Life tournaments, and so on. However, War Mode gets to have a 10X intensity more than any other deathmatch game I've ever played!

First, the basics. What exactly is the war mode? If you are aware of how PUBG's Battle Royale mode works, then it would be easy to understand the war mode. For others, here is a short explanation. 20 players are dropped in a very small area. These players can play solo, in teams of two or in teams of four. The goal is simple. Continue to eliminate other players or teams to reach a certain number of points. Each kill gives you 3 points to you or your team. In case you play as a team, any eliminated player can be re-started by the other player on the team, which in turn will bring you another point. Reach the number of points before the stopwatch ends and you win. Winner Winner Chicken dinner. Sounds easy? You want it to be



The drop zone is tiny and as soon as you drop, the slightest offset can cost you your life. Everyone falls more or less around you. The good thing here is that you are already loaded with weapons so you do not have to retrieve them. When I first played in mode, I thought I was able to land in a place that was not going to be crowded. I quickly realized that there is no such place. Your feet touch the ground and the area around you lights up with ball indicators. It's total chaos. You run left, right, front and back, but there is no way to escape the barrage of weapons that are blazing all over the map. They are everywhere and the chances are high enough that you will die in the first 10-15 seconds of the game. One eye must be on you or on your team's point counter, the other on the map. There is no room for strategy against the opponents or to wait for an opportune moment to attack. Everything happens instantly and the only strategy you need is to run your head first on the battlefield and spray balls like crazy, hoping that some will catch your enemies. But maybe it's just me

The bonus part here is that you have unlimited lives, which is not available in any other mode of You reappear after an interval of 10 seconds and the same intense process is repeated. The map never stays the same. Each new game in War mode shows us a new restricted area of ​​the Eragnel map. Honestly, the experience is quite exhilarating and requires me to play one more game each time it ends. In fact, while writing this impression, I played 3 consecutive games just for fun. Those who appreciate the slow nature of PUBG's Clbadic Battle Royale mode may not be very excited about the hectic nature of War. If you are a beginner for PUBG, I strongly recommend you start with the Clbadic Battle Royal 100 and not with the War Mode.

As a remark, I sincerely believe that the War mode could be the biggest update PUBG needed to impose it as a fast game, just like Fornite. But can he convert some of Fortnite's diehard supporters? The answers are sure to come in due time.

You can join Tech2's PUBG clan, Tech2machettes to enjoy a few game sessions and more PUBG livestreams.

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