Essential releases the latest security patches for the beta and July version of the same day as Google


Essential may have abandoned his next smartphone, but he has not given up on the one he's got. The updates were delivered with news at the pixel level. Example: The essential Android P beta update is today barely an hour after Google. Monthly security updates for July are also in progress. And, you guessed it, Google only pushed those patches back.

We are also developing a new version of Android P Beta including July security patches, the latest version of Google Code Drop and improvements to Android Auto.

– Essential (@essential) July 2, 2018 [19659004] We can confirm with our own PH-1 that the update, which brings the Essential to "P Beta 2" (equivalent to the Essential dialing at today's DP4) is being rolled out to Essential Phones under Android P. The update provides both the monthly security patches for July, the latest patches and Android P features, and stability patches of Android Auto, correcting one of the most common complaints in the Essential subprogram.

The monthly stable security update also includes the same remedy, so it is necessary to upgrade to Android P if you are having a problem with your car connection.

It's the second day of July and we have your monthly security patches ready to go! Oh yes, we also included stability improvements for Android Auto. Check your essential phone now to download the update.

– Essential (@essential) July 2, 2018

The reports confirm that the July security patches are also being deployed, although There are some sporadic accounts of bugs during the update, such as a French [] changelog and some installation problems .

July OTA security downloads are available on the Essential website. The same should probably be true for the latest versions of the Android P Developer Preview, but the odious form of Essential requires a serial number to validate your download, and the location of this identifier seems to have changed in P builds, so I can not find it.

Essential may have decided to take a break when it comes to new phone equipment, but the company has done a better job in providing timely updates than virtually any other OEM. Hopefully they'll one day come back to the smartphone market – an essential 2 with some hardware fixes for signal issues and jank entry would be pretty killer.

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