Exercise: Hit the gym: Regular exercise can reduce the risk of diabetes, stroke, cancer


MELBOURNE: According to a study conducted by a researcher of Indian origin, elderly people who exercise above current recommended levels have a reduced risk of stroke, diabetes and cancer compared to those who do not.

Researchers at the University of Sydney in Australia surveyed more than 1,500 Australian adults over the age of 50 and followed them over a 10-year period.

People who practiced the highest levels of physical activity were twice as active to avoid stroke, heart disease, angina pectoris, cancer and diabetes, and were in better physical and mental fitness 10 years later.

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Adults with more than 5,000 metabolic equivalent minutes (MET minutes) Each week saw the greatest reduction in the risk of chronic disease, they said.

"Essentially, we found that older people who did the most exercise were twice as likely to be disease-free and fully functional," said Bamini Gopinath, an badociate professor at the university. University of Sydney.

"Our study showed that high levels of physical activity increase the likelihood of surviving another 10 years without chronic diseases, mental retardation and disability," said Gopinath.

Currently, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends at least 600 minutes of MET physical activity each week. This equates to 150 minutes of brisk walking or 75 minutes of running.

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most countries, a major challenge is how to increase quality and years of life in good health, "said Gopinath.

"Our results suggest that levels of physical activity must be several times higher than what the World Health Organization currently recommends significantly reducing the risk of chronic disease," he said. she said.

"Some seniors may not be able to engage in strenuous physical activity or intense physical activity," she added.

"But we encourage inactive older people to do physical activity, and those who are currently exercising moderately to incorporate more vigorous activity where possible," she said.

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