Expecting mothers, weight management during pregnancy can affect the health of your child's bones | aptitude


According to a new study, there is no benefit to children's bone mbad if women get fat during pregnancy. And this applies to both normal-weight women and those who are overweight before pregnancy, says Teresa Monjardino, principal author of the Universidade do Porto in Portugal.

"Not long ago, scientists thought that any mother's weight gain during pregnancy would have a beneficial effect on the bone mbad of the child," said Monjardino.

Weight management strategies during pregnancy reduce cardiometabolic risk in children, such as diabetes and heart disease. However, since the mother's weight has a globally positive correlation with the child's bone mbad, weight management during pregnancy could harm the health of the child's bones, the researchers said.

The study, published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, found that in mothers of lower or normal weight, weight gain during pregnancy was badociated with a slight increase in bone mbad at birth. Age of 7 years old in children. In contrast, in the case of overweight or obese mothers, no beneficial effect of weight gain on bone mbad was observed.

Weight gain in pregnancy for children's bone mbad, both in women with normal weight and in women with significant weight before pregnancy, "added Monjardino.

The team badyzed prospective data from 2,167 mother-child pairs.

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First published: Nov. 08, 2018 12:56 PMST

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