Facebook reveals data sharing partnerships, links with Chinese companies


Facebook said it was sharing user data with 52 companies, including Chinese companies, just weeks after the social media giant formed data-sharing partnerships with mobile phone manufacturers. giving access to the details of users and even their friends. 19659002] The recognition of the social media giant is part of a more than 700-page document filed before the US Committee on Energy and Commerce on Friday night. The committee released the news Saturday, reports The Hill.

Facebook revealed yesterday that the partnerships shed new light on its behavior towards customer data as a result of a scandal involving the British policy consulting firm Cambridge Analytica. 87 million people were incorrectly shared, he said.

The list listed major technology companies like Apple, Amazon, BlackBerry and Samsung. Alibaba, Qualcomm and Pantech are among the other companies on the list. But the list also includes four Chinese companies that the US intelligence services have identified as threats to national security: Huawei, Lenovo, Oppo and TCL.

Facebook reported sharing data with companies to improve its integrations and user experience. Mobile devices, noting that its partnerships were established before smartphones running on Apple's and Google's high-powered operating systems are as ubiquitous as they are now, says the report.

"People went online with a wide variety of phones." In this environment, the demand for Internet services like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube exceeded the ability of our industry to build versions of our services that ran on all phones and system. "

Facebook said that it has ended 38 of its 52 partnerships and will close those who remain in July.

He said in the documents that his initial omissio n partnerships resulted because He had shifted his attention to the data shared between applications created on his developer platform – the product domain that had been involved with Cambridge Analytica.

User data sharing with Facebook developers seems to have has been less controlled than its data sharing with relatively well-known hardware and software manufacturers.

However, lawmakers have expressed concerns about company data sharing agreements with companies

The documents follow up on the questions asked by the legislators After the testimony,

"After a first examination, I am concerned about the fact that Facebook's answers raise more questions than they answer, "said the Democratic House's leading representative, Frank Pallone. Facebook, which was founded in 2004, has entered into data sharing partnerships with at least 60 device manufacturers, including Apple, Amazon, BlackBerry, Microsoft and Samsung over the last decade.

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