Fallout 76: Release Date, Beta and What We Know (Until Now)


Only a few years after the release of Fallout 4, Bethesda surprised the fans by officially announcing Fallout 76, the next entry in his post-apocalyptic RPG franchise. The new game was revealed in a trailer after a series of teases, and Bethesda discussed it in more detail at E3 2018. Although there are still many things we do not know about the next one yet Bethesda game, curious features and additions to the Fallout formula.

To keep you up to date on all of Fallout 76, we've compiled all the information we have about the game up to now: the platforms on which, its online functionality, its anti-penalty features, and where the game falls in the schedule of the series.

What is Fallout 76?

Fallout 76 is a prequel to all previous Fallout games. Located in 2102, you play a Vault 76 resident who emerges from the shelter 25 years after the fall of the bombs on America. Your task is simple: explore what remains of post-apocalyptic America and rebuild civilization.

Longtime fans will probably recognize Vault 76; Although this is not a place we visited before, this is not the first mention of the series. Both Fallout 3 and 4 reference it and, according to Fallout Wikia, this vault based in West Virginia has been occupied by 500 of the best and brightest minds of America. Unlike the most grotesque experimental vaults of the Fallout Universe, Vault 76 is a control vault intended to be open about 20 years after a nuclear war. But if the Caveau had to open 20 years after the fall of the bombs, why have spent 25 years? The story probably has some surprises in store

Fallout 76 uses the build engine, the same engine that was used for Fallout 4, but it will be expected to contain much more graphic detail than its predecessor. Game director Todd Howard said that Fallout 76 had a new rendering and lighting technology, which allows "16-fold" detail

Is this an online survival game?

Fallout 76 is a very different game from predecessors. It's "fully online", but do not worry, you can also play solo. According to Bethesda, the idea of ​​adopting this approach to open world survival appeared four years ago when she began working on building a multiplayer Fallout experience. Howard has described the game's survival approach as "softcore," which means that death does not equate to a loss of progression.

You can form a party with up to three other players. You will not be able to manage your location in the servers when you log in, as you will automatically be inserted into a session with other people when starting the game. Of course, you also have the option to simply join your friends and play together.

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Howard commented that Fallout 76 will have dedicated servers that will support the game "now and for years to come." At launch, there will only be public servers, but Bethesda plans to introduce private servers that will allow players to invite friends to play in order to avoid any unwanted behavior. According to Bethesda Vice President Pete Hines, it will be extremely difficult to participate in bad behavior. For example, the PvP of the game is more like a challenge to someone, preventing people from pushing too far any attempt of grief.

Some clbadic mechanisms of the past games will change to adapt to the pbadage to the online game. For example, VATS has been reconfigured to work in real time, while allowing players to target specific enemy body parts

How Big Is The World?

According to Howard, the world of Fallout 76 is four times larger than Fallout 4. There are six different regions to explore, and each one has its own style, its own risks and rewards. Confirmed areas include West Virginia State Capitol, Greenbrier, Woodburn Circle, New River Gorge Bridge and Camden Park. In each area is a variety of new creatures to discover, some of which are based on West Virginia folklore

What can you do?

Like previous games, players will spend the majority of their time exploring and completing quests. . However, Fallout 76 will not have any non-player human characters, as all surviving humans will be controlled by active players. Instead, the game will use a combination of robot NPCs, collectible recordings and storytelling on the environment in order to give players what they need to replenish quests and make them fun. history in general

. Basic-building elements similar to Fallout 4. You will be able to set up a base anywhere using an item called the Mobile Construction and Assembly Platform, or CAMP. These can be placed in the world and allow you to build an impromptu camp. At E3, we could see the player lay walls and decorate the base with pool tables, toilets and other household items. As indicated by the "mobile platform" part of the name, your CAMP can also be picked up and moved, allowing you to move your base to anywhere in the world.

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While you can help build the world, you can also destroy it. If you have the necessary nuclear launch codes, it is actually possible to access a missile silo to fire a nuclear weapon at any point on the map. This irradiates the chosen area, but also reveals weapons, gear and rare items. Beware; nuance an area also causes the emergence of more powerful enemies, making survival more difficult.

As an online experience, the player's choice is considered incredibly important, going so far as to give players the freedom to choose who the heroes are and who are the bad guys. The first images show several players engaged in fights and participating in friendly activities, which seems to indicate that players have the freedom to choose their way into the world of Fallout 76.

Bethesda Game Studios, Maryland-based developer Elder Scrolls and Fallout 3 series and Fallout 4 is at work on the game. In addition, Bethesda Game Studios Austin – formerly BattleCry Studios – helped fine-tune the authoring engine to support multiplayer functionality

When is the beta ?

The beta version of Falout 76 will be available exclusively for those who pre-order the game. Bethesda said it will begin selecting participants from the pre-order group in early October. The plan is to start small and expand over time. Xbox One owners have a slight lead over the beta compared to other platforms. For more details, you can check the Bethesda FAQ on Fallout 76 for more details on how to use your code.

Release Date

Fallout 76 is under development for PC, PS4 and Xbox One. published on November 14th. Unfortunately, there is no word on a version of Nintendo Switch, which did not seem out of the question after the reissue of Skyrim arrived on this platform.

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