False data – the disease afflicting China's vaccine system


China's vaccine production and distribution system is plagued by false data and fraudulent labeling, increasing the risk of outbreaks of highly communicable diseases, according to industry and industry experts. health

. Changsheng Bio-tech forged data on the effectiveness of its rabies vaccines and sold inferior DTP (diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus) injections for

The revelations jeopardize China's claims to have established a world-clbad "complete life-cycle regulation system" that controls the research, production, distribution and administration of vaccines.

as DPT are given to children as part of a state-sponsored health program through hospitals and some 3,500 local disease control centers for free, with domestic producers providing about 95% of the injections. Optional vaccines such as hepatitis B and influenza vaccines are provided primarily on a commercial basis.

Although there are no official figures or reliable independent badessments on the magnitude of the problems, cases "

The Chief of a disease control center for about half a million people said that vaccine quality problems had existed for a long time and that "everyone inside the loop knows

said his center was often plagued by funding shortages and forced to "earn money" to cover basic operations.

"Government funds are allocated to the local health office, but the office In an extreme case, a staff member at the center filled a syringe with water and sold it to a patient as an anti-rabies vaccine, according to the source. [1965] 9002] The source also stated that lower-level disease control centers often push clients to make optional paid injections

"If everyone comes here to receive free vaccines, how can the center maintain its operations? [without adequate funding]? He says.

Vaccine scandal: Chinese officials who defy the shame of freeing themselves from the ashes of public crises

It was also common to scan the numbers of some diseases rather than treat them, "We have not nothing has been done to prevent malaria and many drugs have been stored in our station for too long and are past their expiration date, "he said.

"We dare not openly report cases of malaria because once the number is known by others, we will certainly be punished."

Fraud also spreads to production, according to a senior executive with a Chinese vaccine manufacturer who said that manufacturers often forged vaccine test data. 19659002] "Anoth er irregularity changes the production date.If a lot of products will soon expire, then the production date will be changed so that they can still be sold," said the source.

Changsheng Bio-tech, the vaccine manufacturer behind the latest public health alert in China [19659002] In the Changsheng Bio-Tech case, the company "forged production logs and records of product inspection and randomly modified technical parameters and production equipment ", according to the SDA.

Disease Control and Prevention

A government investigation of the manufacturer revealed that the company had used expired materials and conducted experiments on mice at the wrong time. To conceal its procedural violations, the company falsified the production and badysis records and issued receipts containing false information about when the mice were purchased.

Changsheng is not an isolated case. The Wuhan Institute of Biological Products, another major vaccine manufacturer, has sold 400,520 low-quality DTC vaccines to Chongqing and Hebei, said the SDA

Ten years ago, health authorities were also subject to damage control. China Economic Times revealed that four Shanxi children died and that dozens of others were sick after receiving injections for encephalitis and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis.

Vaccines sensitive to light and heat were exposed to high temperature during transport.

The Provincial Department of Health reviewed 15 cases and found that only two of them could have been linked to inappropriate vaccination. No officials were removed from office. Bao Yueyang, editor of the newspaper, was sacked and a ban on the media was imposed.

The Ministry of Health then established rules prohibiting all individuals and institutions, other than the "consortia of experts" if a disease was caused by a vaccine, it is impossible for anyone to dare. other than the vaccine authority to question the quality and effectiveness of vaccines.

A scandal in 2016 in Shandong has brought about other changes in the system. The case concerned the widespread illegal sale and distribution of poorly stored and transported vaccines. Subsequently, the central government centralized the purchase of vaccines through provincial supply platforms and imposed stricter storage and transportation requirements

A New Scandal Vaccines threatens China

The organization hailed the new system, saying that it "not only paves the way for ensuring that illegal activities such as those exposed to Shandong can not occur elsewhere, but will make the system overall stronger. "

Mainland Chinese parents should travel to Hong Kong to vaccinate their children.

Beijing tries to rebadure the public that scandals are isolated cases and that the consequences are under control.

the population as a whole.

Joseph Wu, professor of epidemiology at the University of Hong Kong, said that ineffective vaccines Contamination could increase the possibility of an outbreak, especially for highly transmissible infectious diseases such as than measles.

Yuen Kwok-yung, a Hong Kong microbiologist, doctor and surgeon, warned that even lower vaccines did not cause immediate damage to the recipient. this could lead to problems later, especially with diseases pbaded from person to person.

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