First signs of breast cancer identification







  Stop Cancer

According to the Indian Council of Medical Research, India could record more of 17 lakh new cases of bad cancer alone accounts for about 27% of cases in women. Statistics also show that on two newly diagnosed women with bad cancer, one dies in India.

There is also a growing number of bad cancer patients in young age groups, particularly those aged 30 to 40 years old. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to understand the health of your bads and to pbad routine exams for a better chance of successful treatment.

The appearance and shape of your bads speak volumes about their health and are the most important aspects for the identification of cancers. . Every woman's body is unique and we know her body better than anyone else. For this reason, it is important to regularly examine your chest by looking in the mirror and looking for new changes.

Pay special attention to bumps and any new development. This is essential to avoid missing an early injury and thus to diagnose early bad cancer. Do not forget, the earlier the diagnosis is made, the greater the likelihood of recovery.

One of the most common symptoms of bad cancer is the presence of a lump or mbad in the bads, which did not exist before. If you feel like a hard, painless bump, with irregular edges, chances are it's clever. It may look like a hard knot or even a new thickening. Even if you feel painful mbades, it is important to have it checked by regular mammography and other screening tests, which can help identify early bad cancer.

Some of the other signs and symptoms of bad cancer to watch for are:

  • New nipple or bad pain that does not go away
  • Swelling of the bad or part of it.
  • Skin irritation: itching, scaly wounds or rash on the bad, dimpling of the skin
  • Retraction of the bad
  • Redness around the bad "eczema" similar appearance
  • Thickening of the skin of the nipple or bad: may look like orange peel
  • Discharge bad that is not bad milk and starts suddenly. It can be bloody or muddy, dirty or greenish

In addition, bad cancer can also spread to the lymph nodes under the arm or near the clavicle and cause a size or swelling even before the bad tumor not happen. to be felt. It is therefore advisable to have the swollen lymph nodes checked immediately by a health professional.

If you experience bad pain that has both palpitations and fluctuating discomfort, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. . Many women badume that bad cancer is simply due to the presence of an isolated mbad, but the truth is that it can also manifest itself by the appearance of sparse tumors spreading like tentacles. in the bad tissue.

Thanks to advances in medicine, cancerous cancerous cells in the blood can now be detected more accurately thanks to a malaria protein, VAR2CSA, which attaches to cancer cells. This can be used as an effective and inexpensive screening test to identify early-stage bad cancer with a simple blood sample. This new research from UNSW Sydney and the University of Copenhagen is eagerly awaited as a screening method in the near future

(Disclaimer: the author is Dr. Tasneem, entrepreneur , general surgeon at Saifee Hospital.The opinions expressed are the personal opinion.)

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