Five Ways to High Impact of Male Testosterone Behavior


There is an abundant literature supporting the libido-stimulating effects of high levels of testosterone, but new research claims that it is the biological reason why nearly 93% of Lamborghini's owners are men

and status symbols, an evolutionary effect of the hormone studied in animals for years, according to a study published in the journal Nature Communications.

In a study of more than 240 men aged 18 to 55, the researchers administered testosterone. half of the participants and gave another half of a placebo. Men were asked to name their preference for one of the two brands, a higher perceived status than the other, and then chose between identical products according to the most publicity attractive. Men who received the testosterone supplement were more likely to choose the brand perceived as "prestige" and to select the advertised good as "luxury", "prestige" and "craft" than items that focused on power and quality

. Animal behavioral studies that found male animals seek to stimulate and defend their position in the social hierarchy through displays of their dominance, said co-author of the study Colin Camerer

"In Animals , men spend a lot of time and energy. fight to establish a dominant position. We do it too, but our weapons are what we wear, drive and live rather than claws, fists and muscles, "he said in a statement.

]  GettyImages-991209970 A Lamborghini is on display at a dealership in June in Warsaw, Poland Testosterone can increase men's motivation to improve their social status, according to a new study. (Photo by Janek Skarzynski / AFP / Getty Images)

High levels of testosterone do more than lead men to designer brands Here are five other ways that high testosterone affects the brain and the body:

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1.) This could make you lose money.

"Alpha males" may not produce alpha results. In a study of more than 3,200 male investors, hedge fund managers with larger faces (badociated with increased testosterone) were worse investors than their longtime colleagues, who lagged by 6% each year. Investors with high testosterone content were more likely to take greater risks with their work and preferred "lottery actions," wrote the authors of the study

. aim high, even if they lack favorable data. They were also more likely to engage in unethical behavior, according to the study.

2.) This can be detrimental to decision-making.

High levels of testosterone are linked to impulsive decision-making, which is not always an advantage for candidates. A Psychological Science study found that a single dose of testosterone had an impact on men's ability to respond correctly to a cognitive thinking test designed to stumble respondents with questions that elicit seemingly instinctive but incorrect responses. Lead author, Gideon Nave, told Newsweek in May 2017 that previous animal behavioral studies have shown that testosterone levels in males increase when they are fighting for partners, and impulsive decisions can often make the difference between life and death

. indicate where you grew up

Testosterone levels in men may indicate the type of environment in which they grew up, according to British researchers. The 360-man study found that Bangladeshi men who grew up and lived in the UK had significantly higher testosterone levels than Bangladeshi men who grew up and lived in Bangladesh. British researchers found that pre-pubertal migration had a greater effect on testosterone levels

Testosterone levels increase when the body does not fight other infections or respond to poor nutrition, risks Common health problems in harsher environments, the main author Kesson Magid wrote. Their findings show that male reproductive function can fluctuate until adolescence and that it is strongly influenced by its environment.

4.) It can promote narcissism.

A study published in June identifies testosterone as a factor in the "socially toxic component of narcissism" in women and men. When participants with higher testosterone levels were given a position of power, they showed cases of exploitation and eligibility behaviors, the researchers found. Participants with high testosterone content were also more likely to abuse their power, wrote lead author Nicole Mead, while the group with low testosterone levels did not reach the same levels. narcissistic results in management positions

. completed a series of leadership tasks in which some were randomly badigned "boss" positions. The bosses were then badyzed for corruption and their willingness to succeed at the expense of others.

Lead author Nicole Mead told the Australian Financial Review that "people with strong testosterone seek positions of power even though they are not better leaders – and they may be worse. "

5.) It can improve the health of your heart.

An increase in testosterone can promote a healthier heart.In a study conducted in 2017 on men with low rates of Testosterone, the 360 ​​participants who received testosterone replacement therapy were significantly less likely to die than the 296 men who had rejected treatment, also reported a decrease in blood glucose, cholesterol, blood pressure, and weight, compared to their counterparts who experienced 56 strokes and nonfatal heart attacks.

Testosterone deficiencies in older men are badociated with an increased risk of death., wrote the study authors. saw 21 deaths at the end of the study, of which 19 were caused by cardiovascular disease.Although the study did not monitor the levels of activity on the part icipants, even obese patients undergoing testosterone therapy reported an increase in physical activity and energy due to the hormone.

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