Football training helps improve bone health in the 55-70 age group with prediabetes


July 28, 2018

Football scores from all angles for women and men of middle age and advanced age untrained with prediabetes. This is the conclusion of a study conducted in the Faroe Islands by researchers and physiologists from the Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics of the University of Southern Denmark and the University of the Faroe Islands.

The first article of this study was published two weeks ago in the acclaimed Scandinavian Journal of Sports Medicine and Science revealing positive effects on the cardiovascular and metabolic health profile. "People with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes have a higher prevalence of osteopenia and bone fractures. It is therefore essential to develop treatment protocols for these people. Our results show that football and dietary advice are an effective badtail for improving bone health. The football group has achieved significant positive effects in the legs and clinically important femoral sites, highlighting that football is effective osteogenic training for this group of participants. project leader and badociate professor at the University of Southern Denmark.

DXA scans were used to badess participants' initial bone health as well as the effects of training, as well as blood samples to determine bone turnover and bone turnover. training. From these measurements, 73% of participants were diagnosed with femoral osteopenia and 24% with femoral osteoporosis before the intervention. After 16 weeks of training, intergroup modifications in favor of football training were observed for the bone mineral content of the femoral neck (3.2%) and the femoral diaphysis (2.5%). only for bone mineral content (32 g). The rate of osteocalcin and P1NP in the football group was respectively 23% and 52%, with greater changes than in the control group

Football is a versatile sport that fights against diseases related to the mode of life

making it a good tool for the prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes and other lifestyle-related diseases, "says Peter Krustrup, professor of sports science and technology. health at the University of Southern Denmark. 15 years of experience in studying the effects of football on health. Women and men aged 55 to 70 in this study had poor bone health, poor metabolic fitness, and low aerobic fitness. The combination of football training and dietary advice has produced good results on all parameters, concludes Krustrup.

Football Fitness as a Treatment for Type 2 Diabetes

The Idea of ​​Football for People in the 60s and 70s Patients with poor bone health are new, but this study has revealed that a modified version of football, the so-called Football Fitness concept, was feasible and effective for middle-aged and elderly patients. The participants took part in a football training including a full warm-up, pairs of ball exercises and games on small pitches. This type of football was suitable for 70-year-old women and men with poor bone health and prediabetes. Participants enjoyed the workout and did not suffer serious bone, joint or muscle injuries.

"Normally, we would not consider football as something for 70-year-olds with low physical fitness or poor bone health, but we were able to build good relationships, have fun together and have lots of fun. Between them continued to play Football Fitness, "concludes Magni Mohr, who organized the training and tests in the Faroe Islands.

About the study

The study was conducted in the Faroe Islands, with participants enrolled in a national prediabetic cohort.

50 individuals – 25 of each bad – benefited from a 16-week intervention comprising Dietary advice and biweekly football training sessions lasting 30 to 60 minutes The duration of the training was progressively increased from 30 minutes per session in the first two weeks to 60 minutes per session in the last 10 weeks

Participants were pre-trained men and women aged 55 to 70 who were prediabetic. poor physical condition and were mainly overweight. About three-quarters had weak bones (osteoporosis or osteopenia in the legs).

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