Fortnite: A fortnight in the forties at Battle Royale


<img clbad = "js-image-replace" alt = "I jump off the fight bus and land in the middle of what appears to be a deserted island, carrying only a pickaxe like a weapon. starts running, I hear the sound of gunshots in the distance, almost immediately, I avoid bullets and I am suddenly shot by one of the other 99 players on the island.

I play Fortnite, the video game phenomenon According to the developer Epic Games, more than 125 million other players are also in his grip.

This is the first time that I have Devoted to a game since Tomb Raider in the 1990s, when I was a 20-something rather than the 40-something that I am today.

Image Caption [19659005] In Battle Royale, 100 players parachute on an island

Battle Royale is the most popular mode of Fortnite. One hundred of us collect weapons, build defenses and follow each other until only one person remains alive. And every few minutes, the card shrinks.

I started directly in my first game with little preparation, on a smartphone.

At first, I found it difficult to know what I had to do and not – your big eyes struggled with the small screen.

After a few minutes, I abandoned and downloaded the game on my iPad and later on my PC.

Although the biggest displays helped, I did not last long.

During my first attempts, players came out of nowhere and killed me in an instant – leaving me frustrated at not having noticed them.

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Epic Games

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Many players watch Twitch streams of other players playing Fortnite to learn new tactics

After a few games on the tablet, I realized that I had to look for better weapons – and I needed to collect materials to build forts to protect myself.

It was only when I played on a console at the teenage son of a friend that I really felt like I came in my stride.

Using the Xbox controller, I could more easily retrieve the weapons found on the map, which I had often missed playing on the tablet.

On the big screen TV, I could also get a better idea of ​​where the other players were – and what they were doing.

I received an expert coaching from Archie, 14, the son of another friend.

"It's easier to navigate with a controller [console] than with a PC mouse or keyboard"

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I've found the game a lot easier to play on a console

Although he added that the best Twitch streamer from Ninja – Fortnite – was playing on PC

Even though I was collecting better weapons, I was lucky if I managed to survive beyond the 60 final before being eliminated by a more experienced player. skills and weapons.

But it was easy to understand the call of Fortnite

I felt compelled to try to improve my position and survive longer.

I found myself picking up the tablet while watching TV, to get into a quick game.

Before I knew it, I had spent an hour playing.

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Ninja is one of the most popular players on the Twitch streaming site

Once you are eliminated, you can choose to watch the person who beat you, to see how they progress in the rest of the game.

Many players have spent money on in-app purchases such as "skins" that change the appearance of a character and "emotes" that allow the characters to Perform ridiculous dance routines.

When I was killed by a jester who later danced a jitter, I was less impressed.

I am not ashamed to say that I am a hider. My player strategy was to try to avoid other players.

If I saw someone nearby, I would run and hide in one of the many bushes or buildings.

My sophisticated strategy should not lead me to victory – I have never survived beyond the last 17 players

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Archie McGuinness, 14, plays Fortnite on the Xbox

Archie said that he had won 10 games on about 200 and played against his online school friends. "You get a real buzz with a Royal Victory," he said.

I certainly do not think I'll ever be good enough to win. But I continue to dive into the game to try to beat my record of 17th place.

Whenever I am eliminated by a stealthy player who takes me by surprise and pulls me in the back, I find myself screaming in frustration.

I do not see them coming and every time my reaction is the same – a groan.

& # 39; Addictive & # 39;

I've already lost count of the number of parties I've played to here.

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Epic Games

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A new game mode is tested to help players to get in the game outside the Battle Royale tournaments

Some parents think that their children are addicted to the game and would happily spend all their time playing it.

Ruth Kieran told me that her two sons, ages 11 and 9, were playing online when they returned from school.

"They spent 24/7 playing at Fortnite if they were allowed to play," she says.

"We try to limit our boys to only one hour in the evening after school and two hours on the weekends.

"But it's really hard when they play against friends [whose] parents are not so restrictive."

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Epic Games

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The publisher of Fortnite Epic Games makes many of its profits from the title by selling outfits and "skins"

I'm not sure that Ms. Kieran would be too impressed by the speed with which I managed to succumb to the game – and I do not even play against someone I know.

I literally try to beat my last position.

Some experts say that parents need to take more responsibility.

"Some parents use the time spent in front of a screen as an aid to the care of children," said Professor Mark Griffiths, psychologist and director of the International Gaming Research Unit.

However, he adds that computer games are not necessarily bad news.

"When parents contact me to complain that their children are spending too much time playing video games, I ask them:"

"When they say," No, "I tell them that it's all right. is normal and they must stop worrying.

Archie suggested playing Fortnite as "a virtual game date"

"Parents do not need to worry about where their children are, because they're at home they are playing online with their friends, "he said. play Fortnite

While my two-week experience playing at Fortnite was about to end, I spoke to my 10-year-old nephew.

He had downloaded the game on his tablet the night before, much to the chagrin of his mother.

She said that he had come home from school pleading to be allowed to play Fortnite, because all his friends were playing it too, even though he was not recommended for children under 12 years old.

"points when I told him about my experiences on the island.

But when my" reasonable adult "mode came into play and I warned him not to spend his money for in-app purchases to personalize his avatar, he said that all his friends had skins.

I do not think I'll go into Fortnite battles with my nephew or any of the other school-age children of one of my friends, who found the idea of ​​playing Fortnite very amusing.

But to be honest, it is likely that I will come home tonight to play another game.

Fortune in number

  • Fortnite was launched in July 2017
  • Its most popular mode – Battle Royale – was added in September, opposing 100 players against each other others
  • More than 20.7 million follow the game
  • Last week, people watched more than 183 million hours of game play Fortnite on the Twitch streaming site
  • Epic Games reportedly made nearly $ 300 million (£ 230m) selling in-game purchases in April – and this before the launch of the game on Nintendo Switch
  • The company has announced a $ 100 million fund for competitive game play

Beginner's advice

By Chris Foxx, technology journalist

  • Pair with a more experienced friend who can show you the ropes of the Duo mode – or join a team of four
  • The building is just as important as shooting. Collect wood and practice the walls of the building in a quiet area of ​​the map. If you are attacked, throw a circle of walls as protection
  • If you are fighting to attack people, use discretion instead – some chests contain a bush disguise that can help you hide on the map; or set traps inside the buildings and wait
  • If you are eliminated, watch the player who killed you progress in the game. It may be useful to wear a helmet or a game helmet. learn tricks and techniques this way
  • Playground Playground
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