Fortnitemares Challenge Guide: Gargoyle Locations, Cube Monsters and More


Halloween totally invaded Fortnite The Battle of Royale this week. There are scary things happening as a result of the launch of the Fortnitemares limited-time event. Zombie Cube monsters have begun to attack players and a host of new Halloween themed items are now available.

This Halloween-themed event features four special Fortnitemares challenges that are only available for a limited time. These festive activities include the killing of cubic monsters, dancing for gargoyle statues and a wide variety of frightening acts to perform. These challenges are certainly worthy of note, as they not only provide experience, but also unique spooky rewards found nowhere else in the game.

Fortnitemares Explains the Challenges

<img src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" data-dt-lazy-src = " -720×720.jpg "onerror =" dti_load_error (this) "clbad =" wp-image-2222173 size-large dt-lazy-load dt-lazy-pending "alt =" of the four Fortnitemares challenges to complete and, fortunately, those- They do not require a Battle Pbad like those from last week's shooting room.The four challenges are as follows:

  • Destroy Cubic Monsters
  • Inflict damage with badault rifles or pistols to cubic monsters
  • Visit seven corrupted areas
  • Dance in front of different rents gargoyles

For the most part, these are fairly standard challenges and easy to achieve. Unfortunately, they might take you a little bit and as the Fortnitemares event only happens for a limited time, you will not want to waste a moment getting started. Since Fortnitemares challenges do not require a fight against other players, you must form a group and make these team challenges in order to have the greatest number of people on your team.

Fortnitemares Challenges: Destroy Cubic Monsters

 Fortnitemares Gargoyle Challenge Rentals

The first of Fortnitemares' challenges is to destroy cubic monsters. These are the new zombie-like creatures that previously existed in the Save the World PvE mode of Fortnite . You'll find them on the map of corrupted areas around Battle Royale, another element of the challenge that we will face in a moment.

Look for the huge cube fragments that appear in the game. These are different from the smaller ones that already existed and turn you into a ghost. The fragments you search for generate cube monsters as you approach. There are also different variants of monsters, including smaller, faster and bigger ones with tougher shots and more health.

The more monsters you kill, the harder the task becomes. You must kill at least 200 zombies to complete the first task. It's a lot of zombies, and even if they fall in a few moves, it's a tedious task that can (and probably will) take several matches to complete for your team. This is because you also have to worry about other players.

Alone, I managed to eliminate about 50 zombies before being killed, so it is imperative to tackle this with a team, otherwise you will probably have to play several games. . We also recommend that you only deal with this part of the challenge with badault rifles or pistols. This is because the first three of the four Fortnitemares challenges are interrelated.

Fortnitemares Challenges: Inflict Damage on Cube Monsters

 Fortnitemares Defies Gargoyle Locations

This next part requires you to inflict at least 5,000 Cube Monsters damage. with only rifles and guns. That is why we recommend using only these types of weapons during the first challenge. Although you have four parts, you can finish both Fortnitemares challenges at the same time.

As such, you will want to focus on collecting badault rifles and pistols before you go into one of the corrupted areas to fight the cubic monsters. . Although guns are included, we recommend that you stick to the badault rifles. The normal part, exploded and removed will do you all good in this second part of the challenge.

Although 5,000 damage is a lot, this part of the Fortnitemares Challenges is much easier than the first one. Even though we had only killed about 50 zombies in our first match against Fortnitemares, it was more than enough to complete the second challenge.

Worried about ammunition? It will not be a problem. Killing zombies makes them drop ammunition and other items like medical kits for your team. Just go back, collect your ammunition and heal yourself as a fighter. Ask your teammates to cover you and vice versa. We suggest you have several badault rifles in your inventory so you can alternate them in tricky situations without wasting time to reload. Cube monsters can quickly overwhelm you with numbers so be careful.

Fortnitemares Challenges: Visit the Corrupted Zones

 Fortnitemares Fortresses Defy the Gargoyle Location

Like the first two, this third installment of the challenge is directly related to the others. When you visit the corrupt zone to fight the cube monsters, you will already progress in completing this third part of the Fortnitemares challenges. Unfortunately, you must visit them all seven and not one.

Since you will probably have to face Cube Monsters in several games to complete the first challenge, we recommend that you visit each time a different corrupted area. You can find the seven corrupted areas in the screenshot above as well as their detailed locations below:

  • Wood Moans – located just southwest of the Labyrinth in the middle of the forest
  • Lazy Links – You Can Find This Corrupted Area Directly South of Lazy Links and West of Tomato Temple
  • Retail Row – This One Is Southeast Of Retail Row And On The Border With the desert
  • Dusty Divot – This corrupt sector is located west of Dusty Divot and south of the small mountain
  • Fatal Fields – You find it to the northeast of Fatal Fields, south of Salty Springs and East of the Great Hill
  • Shifty Shafts – This corrupt area is located just outside Shifty Shafts in the west and east of Greasy Grove [19659006] Pleasant Park – This last corrupt area is south-west of Pleasant Park and directly to Mili had three neighboring hills

Fortnitemares challenges: Dancing in front of gargo yles

 fortnitemares launches a challenge to gargoyles

This last challenge Fortnitemares is a reminder of dance under different street lights. You must dance in front of five different gargoyle statues. Frightening music is played when you are near a statue, so listen to it. Once you have found one, just make your favorite dance emote and you'll be ready to go. The Battle Royale card actually contains more than five gargoyles, but we recommend you visit five.

Since these zones are close to each other, it is therefore possible (but not obligatory) to complete them in one part. In addition, these areas are not close to corrupted areas or popular places, which will save you fewer problems.

  • Risky Reels: This gargoyle is just east of Risky Reels and north of Wailing Woods. This is next to the small circle of chairs
  • Tomato Temple: You can find this gargoyle in the G4 square on the map at the bottom of the western part of the temple
  • Lazy Links: Located at the # 39; West of Lazy Links and in the mine that digs underground
  • Retail Row: This gargoyle is inside Hey Boo! Halloween store between some shelves
  • Tilted Towers: This last gargoyle stands between Tilted Towers and Dusty Divot on the mountain near a group of rocks

Fortnitemares challenges r 1965

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To complete the first challenge that charges you to kill 200 monster cubes, you get 500 experience points.Also, damaging monsters with badault rifles and pistols will bring you 500 additional experience points, finally visiting corrupted areas and dancing in front of five different gargoyle statues will also earn you 500 experience points. In total, that's 2,000 experience points, enough to get you back at least once.

But that's not all. The first part of the Fortnitemares challenges will reward you with the fiery emote that you will be able to show your teammates and your enemies. You can not find this emoticon anywhere else so quickly, to be able to meet all the challenges so that you do not miss it.

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