Fuel prices continue to fall Sunday


Prices for gasoline and diesel in Delhi fell slightly on Sunday. While the price of gasoline dropped by 21 pounds and is sold at 78.78 Rs per liter, the price of diesel has decreased by 17 paises and sells at 73.36 Rs.

Parallel , the price of gasoline in Mumbai has dropped 21 Pounds 84.28 Rs per liter, the diesel will be sold at 76.88 Rs per liter, after a low of 18 paises.

Fuel prices had already risen steadily in the country, a hole in the commuter's pocket.

In this regard, the Minister of Finance of the Union, Arun Jaitley, announced on October 4 a reduction of Rs 2.50 per liter. gasoline and diesel prices after reducing the excise duty on the product by Rs 1.50 per liter and urged the respective state governments to reduce the same amount in the end.

(This story was not edited by Business Standard staff and is generated automatically from a syndicated feed.)

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