Game of Thrones Makers Allusion: Whites can come back, they are now completely confused


If you missed the last episode of "Game of Thrones", are you really a fan, my brother? The last episode "The Long Night" was, to say the least, scary. There were dragons, Wights and their Walkers, the king of the night, those who were spotless, the Dorthraki and of course, a confusing but unexpected ending! Yes, Arya has become the true hero towards the end, the "last hero" if you can. But let's face it, seven days is too long to wait for what will happen in GoT and we think the last episode is not the end of the White Walkers. Why, you ask? (c) HBO

The creators of the series suggested that we could see the White Walkers again! Is not it? When asked, they did not reveal anything directly, but they also did not deny the possibility that they were coming back.

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When Jimmy asked Benioff and Weiss if the White Walkers were gone, the two could not give a direct answer. They said "yes", "no" or even "possibly", which is the most popular answer among the questions they were asked. So what does it really mean? Are the & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; return? Will there be a plot towards the end? Will the king of the night be resurrected? Well, we do not know, and I'm sure they will not be able to answer directly either, unless they want to lose their jobs for revealing what's going on. But as they said "we're not going to answer that" when we asked them if the zombies were coming back, we have a little idea that maybe they could do it?

<img clbad = "art-lazy pixelimg lazy imwidth-full" title = "" Game Of Thrones' Hint Makers The White Walkers May Come Back & We're Thoroughly Confused Now "src =" "alt =" [19659008] ) HBO

We hope that the next episode arrives fast enough so that we can actually see what happens! But it will be an interesting turning point, if it happens. What do you think?

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Not to be missed

(c) HBO

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