Gasoline price reduced by 2 Rs per liter, 1 Rez diesel over the last eight days following the softening of crude oil rates


New Delhi: The price of gasoline has been reduced by almost Rs 2 per liter and the price of diesel by 1 liter per liter in the last eight days, due to lower fuel prices. International, announced Friday an official statement

. The price of petrol was reduced by 1.98 RU per liter and the price of diesel fuel by 0.96 RU per liter during the last eight days.

In Delhi, gasoline now costs 80.85 Rs per liter and diesel at 74.73 Rs per liter. 19659004] Image of representation. Reuters. "width =" 380 "height =" 285 "clbad =" size-full wp-image-4476159 "/>

Representation image Reuters

Rates were reached on October 4: Rs. per liter of gasoline and 75.45 rupees per liter for diesel.

On that day, the government decided to reduce excise duties on gasoline and diesel by 1.50 rupees per liter and asked state-owned gasoline retailers to subsidize an additional 1 liter per liter by reducing their margins.

"While international oil prices continued to rise , gasoline and diesel prices in Delhi rose to Rs 82.83 per liter and Rs 75.69 per liter. (But) for the past eight days, international oil prices have also fallen, and the rupee has also appreciated, "the statement said.

Both factors reduced fuel prices to their lowest level in six weeks. [19659002] "According to the evaluation, retail prices of gasoline and diesel may reign easy in the coming days," he said.

The retail price f L ' gasoline and diesel depend on international reference fuel prices and the rupee – US dollar exchange rate. "This is because a large part of the country's needs are met by imports," the statement added. [19659010]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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