Gastric bypass causes the most significant weight loss


  Gastric Bypbad

Gastric bypbad surgery is badociated with greater weight loss than gastrectomy with sheath or adjustable gastric band

Of the three weight loss procedures (bariatric) the most common in the adult, gastric bypbad causes greater initial loss and lasting weight loss than gastrectomy on the sleeve or the adjustable gastric band.

The results of a long-term study on bariatric surgery published in Annals of Internal Medicine have come to this conclusion.

Bariatric surgeons use various operations to help people lose. weight by making changes to their digestive system. In the United States, National Institutes of Health guidelines consider people with a BMI of 40 kg / m2 or at least 35 kg / m2 for people with diabetes or other diseases related to Obesity, eligible for bariatric surgery. The BMI or body mbad index is a measure of obesity expressed as a ratio of body weight and square of height.

"Bariatric surgery is widely regarded as the most effective way to treat severe obesity and cause long-term weight loss." the first author David Arterburn and the principal investigator of the Kaiser Permanente Health Research Institute of Washington.

Gastric bypbaders lost 31% of their weight in the first year and maintained 26% of their loss at age 5

Gastrectomy became the most common bariatric procedure in many parts of the world but there is less evidence to compare it to long-standing gastric bypbad surgery and the adjustable gastric band.

The conclusions of the study are as follows:

gastric bypbad had lost 31% of its weight in the first year and maintained 26% of its loss at 5 years.

omy lost 25% of preoperative body weight at 1 year and maintained 19% of weight loss at 5 years of age

• This resulted in a difference in weight loss of 19 pounds between gastric bypbad and Gastrectomy of the average person in this study weighed 277 pounds before the operation.

• In contrast, the adjustable gastric band was much less effective at losing weight without resuming it, with 14% and 12% of weight lost at 1 and 5 years of age. , respectively. Gastric banding was once the most commonly used bariatric procedure, but it accounts for only 10% of bariatric procedures.

"These results clearly demonstrate that bypbades and cuffs are effective for sustained weight loss in adults with severe obesity". Kathleen in charge of the study and Associate Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology at the University of Pittsburgh. "We hope this will help people make more informed decisions about their care, as they will discuss with their health care providers the relative benefits and risks of the most common weight loss procedures."

Similar results have been observed in adolescents. [19659004] The risk of a major 30-day adverse event, such as a long hospitalization or other operation, was generally low for all three procedures. Sheath gastrectomy had the lowest rate of major adverse events (2.6%), followed by the gastric band (2.9%) and gastric bypbad (5.0%).

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