Genetically Modified Infant Foods, Edible Oil, Packaged Foods Endemic to India: Study


The researchers found that most of these items were imported from countries such as the United States, the United Arab Emirates, Canada, the Netherlands and Thailand

  twitter-logo BusinessToday.In New Delhi Last updated: July 27, 2018 | 20:08 IST

A study conducted by the Delhi Science and Environment Think Tank (SSC) found that genetically modified food products such as edible oil, packaged food snacks and even infant foods are widely available in the country. The rights and research group found that 32% of the 65 randomly selected articles for the study were found to be positive in the GMO category.

The researchers found that most of these items came from countries such as the United States, the United Arab Emirates, Canada, the Netherlands and Thailand.

Chandra Bhushan, Deputy Director General of CST, said that every second imported product tested for genetic modification came from developed countries. Nine of these 10 products came from the United States, he added.

Of the 65 samples, 35 were imported and 30 produced locally. Bhushan also added that reputable companies were getting worse, with 80% of these products showing positive genetic changes.

TSA stated that these products are GM crops, including soybeans, cottonseed, canola or corn. Some of these products containing genetically modified ingredients have not been declared as such on the labels. In addition, there were also products that declared themselves GM positive but did not have the required government approval.

(Edited by Anwesha Madhukalya)

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