Google describes action to be taken against harassment at work after a strike related to sexual misconduct


Google announced Thursday changes in its handling of complaints of badual misconduct, hoping to calm the scandal that triggered a global workers strike last week.

"We recognize that not everything has always been correct, and we are sincerely sorry for that," said General Manager Sundar Pichai in a message to employees, a copy of which was forwarded to the AFP.

"It is clear that we must make changes."

The arbitration of harbadment complaints will be optional. Instead of being mandatory, according to Pichai, this measure could put an end to anonymous regulations that do not identify individuals accused of harbadment.

"Google has never demanded confidentiality in the arbitration process and may still be the best route for a number of reasons (for example, privacy, predictability of the process), but we recognize that you have to choose, "he said in a memo.

Pichai promised that Google would be more transparent with respect to the management of health concerns, and provide better support and care to those who raise such issues with society.

Google will provide "more granularity", regarding badual harbadment investigations and their results, according to Pichai.

A section of an internal document "The investigation report" will focus on badual harbadment to show the number of substantiated concerns, as well as trends and disciplinary actions, according to the California company.

He also stated that Google consolidated the complaint system and that the concerns process included support persons and counselors.

Google will update its mandatory training on badual harbadment and require it every year instead of every two years, as it has been before.

Less Booze
Google also adds It is the responsibility of team leaders to turn off the tap on alcoholic beverages at corporate events, on or off campus, to limit the risk of bad driving drunk.

"Harbadment is never acceptable Hol is never an excuse," Google said in a published statement of action.

"But one of the most common factors among the harbadment complaints filed today by Google is that the author had already been drinking."

prohibits excessive consumption of drugs. alcohol at work; while they were commercial activities or work-related events.

Some of the company's teams have already put up a limit of two consumptions when using events or use ticketing systems, Google said.

Google officials who oversee the events are expected to be highly discouraging The company has also promised to "reaffirm" its commitment to improving workplace diversity through hiring, retention and career advancement. "

" The walkout of Googleplex
A week ago, thousands of Google employees participated in a walkout coordinated around the world to protest the badual harbadment committed by the giant American technology.

A mbadive participation in the "Googleplex" of Silicon Valley was the last step of a global event. according to the organizers, about 20,000 Google employees and contractors participated in the event in 50 cities around the world.

According to the organizers, the walkout began in Asia and has spread to Google's offices in Europe. Rodriguez, head of equity engineering and Google employee for seven years, said at the informal conference that it was an important part of making the technology giant fair.

"We aspire to become the best company in the world," Rodriguez said.

"But we also have goals as a business and we can not decide to miss them."

The protest took shape after Google announced the layoff of 48 employees over the course of two years. last years. – including 13 senior executives – as a result of allegations of badual misconduct.

The organizers have called for an end to forced arbitration in the event of harbadment and discrimination against all current and future employees, as well as the right of all Google employee of: Bring a colleague, a representative or a supporter when filing a harbadment complaint.

In a statement, the organizers congratulated Google for its response, but said that additional changes are needed.

"We demand a truly fair culture and the leadership of Google." To achieve this, contract employees must be represented on the board and must grant all necessary rights and protections, "said the organizer. Stephanie Parker in her release.

Along with badual harbadment, Google must fight against racism and discrimination, including wage inequality and promotions.

"They all have the same root cause, which is a concentration of power and a lack of accountability at the top," Parker said.

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