Google is expected to announce a new lighter and lighter Pixelbook with the Pixel 3 phone in October


Google will launch a new set of Pixel devices this year in October, or if the company is little ahead with its schedule in late September. Although it is certain that this year's Pixel hardware event is sure to see the launch of the Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL smart phones, there are reports that Google will also unveil a new Pixelbook.

The reports, all based on a fairly reliable Evan Blbad tweeter that goes by user name @ Evleaks, suggest that the new Pixelbook will be lighter and thinner. In his tweet, Blbad says that the new Pixelbook will come with a screen that has very thin glbades, indicating that Google hopes to make its premium laptop more compact, lighter, smaller and thinner in the hope of competition with Apple's MacBook.

If the new Pixelbook is very compact, it is also possible that Google presents it as a competitor of the iPad and the iPad Pro. Although there are some Android tablets on the market, none of them is good enough to be considered a viable alternative to iPads.

It is certain that the new Pixelbook will be powered by ChromeOS, although the new features of ChromeOS this year is something that remains to be seen.

Blbad also tweeted that the same Pixel hardware will also see the launch of new Google smartphones, a new Google smartwatch and headphones. "Besides the Pixel 3, Pixel 3 XL and Pixel Buds second generation, a reliable source tells me – with great confidence – that the Google hardware event will also feature a Pixel brand watch. Add to this range of hardware autumn a second generation Pixelbook, with small cases, whose shipment is expected before the end of the year, "tweeted Blbad

Currently, there is no no word on the type of hardware that the Pixelbook may contain.Phonelbooks from last year were equipped with an Intel processor, and this year again, this will probably be the case, unless Qualcomm does not have any hardware. really impressed Google with its Snapdragon 845 or Snapdragon 850 processor.

found a good success with Chromebooks – they are particularly popular in schools and colleges – its high-end game in notebooks which is the Pixelbook has not yet dec ollé in a way that the company hopes. One reason is the price of the Pixelbook, which is over $ 1000 as well as its limited availability. For example, it is not available in India. But it is possible that this year it changes, especially if the new Pixelbook is a little cheaper.

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