Google publishes the final version of Android P Developer Preview


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  Android P

We are one step closer to a final launch for Android P today with the release of the fifth and final developer preview. This version of Android should be the latest beta before the official update of the phones. The developer preview only works on a handful of devices and is designed as a test platform for developers. However, many curious amateurs are running developer surveys as well. Those with a compatible phone can check the (probably) final form of Android P right now.

The installation of the developer preview means that you will either have to download a system image via USB, or wait for the Android beta program to get updated via OTA. The latter is easier, and you will not have to reset your phone. The approach of the system image means that you can usually get the updates faster. It will probably be another day before OTAs arrive for those who are in the beta program.

The fifth developer preview (also called Beta 4) is a candidate for publication. This means that the functionality and the API must be complete, which makes it almost identical to the final version. Android P will bring features like smart answers in your notifications, a cool rotation lock button, an updated user interface, AI-powered battery optimization, and gesture navigation. The gesture navigation feature is optional and a little hidden in the settings, and for a good reason. It's a bit of a mess right now, even as we approach the launch of Android P. The standard navigation bar will probably be the default bar.

Updates to this particular update seem mostly behind the scenes. The APIs are final, so developers can validate their applications on the new operating system. Some consumer features could technically still sneak up before launch. For example, Google's digital wellness features unveiled at I / O this year are still missing in DP5

The developer preview program was limited to Google phones in the past, but the deployment of Project Treble to Oreo means that some other phones OEMs can also start preview. In addition to first and second generation Pixel phones, you can get developer preview versions for the Essential Phone, OnePlus 6 and others. However, these phones do not get new builds in tandem with Pixels. If you want DP5 at this minute, a Pixel is your best bet. Essential has launched a new update based on this code, but it's called developer preview 3. Yes, the naming scheme is terrible.

Google should start updating its devices with Android P in a month or two. Pixels will probably be only Android P running for at least a month or two before the third-party phones in the developer preview get their updates.

Now read: 25 Android tips to make your phone more useful

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