Google to appeal against $ 5 billion fine by EU in Android antitrust case


NEW YORK / NEW DELHI: Tech giant Google today said it will appeal against the European Commission's antitrust fine of 4.34 billion euros (USD 5 billion), contending that its Android operating system (OS) has "created more choice for everyone, not less ".

Google's India-born CEO Sundar Pichai, in a blogpost, defended the popular mobile OS saying it was because of more than 1,800 different brands, including many European phone makers.

"It (the decision) also makes a lot of money and Android devices to the world of Android and the world. billion smartphones, "he baderted.

The European Union has slapped Google with a badping 4.34-billion-euro fine for the abuse of the Android OS in the biggest antitrust penalty in the block's history. The decision, which follows a three-year investigation, said the US tech giant had illegally used Android's near-monopoly to boost its use of its own search engine and browser.

Last year, Google was penalized with a USD 2.7 billion penalty for favoring its shopping service over competitors.

Pichai said in 2007, Google "thing" to offer Android to mobile phone manufacturers and for free, even though Google invested billions of dollars over the last decade to build the Android platform.

He noted that this investment makes sense for the company because it can offer the makers of the option of pre-loading a Google Apps (like Search, Chrome, Play, Maps and Gmail) the company.

He pointed out that they do not have to include their own devices, but that they do not want to use its apps instead of the rival apps.

"But we are concerned that today's decision will be kept in mind, and that it sends a signal in favor of proprietary systems over open platforms," ​​he argued.

Pichai said rapid innovation, wide choice, and falling prices are competitive and Android has enabled all of them.

"Today's decision rejects the business model that supports Android, which has created more choice for everyone," he added.

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