Gurugram: Rare surgery of the spine kyphoscoliosis performed on an Iraqi girl


Arun Saroha and his surgical team at Gurugram Max Hospital performed the operation for about four hours, which corrected 70% of the deformity after the operation.

Kyphoscoliosis is a deformity of the spine where the body structure is affected by the abnormal curvature of the spine. Read: World Spine Day: 20% of people with back and neck are aged 16 to 34 years

The girl suffered from the defect since birth and over time, her condition became more critical, the leaving completely

His failing state of health required immediate medical help but, due to lack of adequate infrastructure and medical resources in his native country, his family decided to come to India to take advantage of the facilities

. a very complicated case of developmental spinal abnormality where the patient was in the debilitating condition with major movement issues. The patient was taken for surgery after informing the patient's family of the details of the procedure, "said Dr. Saroha. Read: Did you know that smoking can cause chronic back pain?

"The corrective surgery required 15 screws bolted on its spine to restore the curvature.After hours of intensive surgery, the curvature of the girl's spine has returned to normal.These types of corrective procedures require one year post-operative follow-up, "explains Saroha.

In addition to conbad malformations, kyphoscoliosis may also be due to hereditary factors, asymmetrical legs, poor posture, or neuromuscular problems such as cerebral palsy (CP). or muscular dystrophy.

Source: IANS

Source of the Image: Shutterstock

Published: June 29, 2018 4:43 pm

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