h1n1: In the first season, Kolkata techie proves positive for swine flu | Kolkata News


KOLKATA: The city's first confirmed swine flu case of 2018 was reported Saturday after a software engineer tested positive for the H1N1 flu virus. Her minor child is being treated for an alleged swine flu.

The man is admitted to Fortis Hospital and his child is in Apollo. The authorities of Fortis have said
TOI Sunday, "We encountered the first case of swine flu this year, although parents said that the child was also tested positive for the H1N1 virus late in the day of Saturday – hours after being admitted with a high fever – authorities at Apollo Hospital said they waited for the final reports and the child was being treated for an alleged swine flu.


YOU retains the names of patients on request, even though doctors at both hospitals agreed that the swine flu epidemic should be brought to the attention of the public and disseminated.

The technician was admitted to the hospital with high fever, pulmonary congestion, and body aches. A few hours after being tested positive for swine flu, her child developed a high temperature and was informed of an immediate hospitalization by the family pediatrician. "The father was already dealing with the swine flu and we were told not to take any chances, so we had the child admitted immediately," said one parent.

The Bengal government has not yet notified an H1N1 alert since detections took place over the weekend. But some doctors have already begun to warn their patients, referring to standard WHO guidelines, telling them that a large majority of people might be vulnerable to H1N1 flu, which is easily transmitted from other people. One person to the other.

Patients are doing well thanks to early diagnosis

The techie's wife, who commutes between the two hospitals, takes care of her child and her husband. "We were told that it was probably the first case of swine flu in the city this year." admitted to the same hospital for convenience, "she said.

Doctors said that "due to early diagnosis, patients were doing well. Tamiflu was administered to both, they added. The doctors told the family of patients that the H1N1 virus is transmitted by air, but there must be a hidden source from which the father initially contracted the virus, which later probably spread to the child. Both have been quarantined to make sure the virus does not spread. The mother takes care of the child wearing masks and takes other necessary precautions.

In father and child, the most common symptoms of H1N1 influenza – high fever, cough and severe body aches – were present. The respective case reports will be sent to the health department when Swasthya Bhavan opens on Monday; it is mandatory for each hospital to share with the health service details of patients with swine flu. Subsequently, all government hospitals and districts will be alerted to the H1N1 flu, said a health department official.

"We had a case of H1N1 this year, probably in January or February, after which no case of swine flu was reported to us, there was organized surveillance throughout the year. year that has resulted in negligible cases, "said Dr. Ajay Chakraborty, director of health services.

Since the first case of swine flu was reported in 2009, the virus has resurfaced from time to time in the city. According to WHO guidelines, swine flu is now in the post-pandemic stage and needs to be treated like any seasonal flu. India experienced its deadliest epidemic in 2009-2010, when the virus affected an estimated 50,000 people and claimed more than 2,700 lives across the country.

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