Having more children can age women's cells faster, the study concludes


Women with many children, especially more than four or five, may seem older than multiple pregnancies can accelerate cell aging, said a new study.

According to the researchers, there is good evidence to show that more children can increase the risk of certain diseases and shorten the lifespan.

Cellular aging was accelerated from six months to two years for each additional pregnancy

"Our study shows cellular changes during pregnancy, possibly related to adaptive changes." For the study, published in the Scientific Reports magazine, the team collected data from some 3,200 women ages 20 to 22, said Christopher Kuzawa of Northwestern University in the United States, looking at two distinct markers of cellular aging, c & # 39; ie the length of the telomeres – protective caps at the end of the DNA strands and epigenetic age.

"The length of the telomeres and epigenetic age are cellular markers that independently predict mortality, and both appeared "older" in women who had more pregnancies in their reproductive history, "added Calen Ryan, of the University

"even after taking into account other factors affecting cellular aging. Pregnancies are still on top, "added Ryan." Ironically, even though a woman's biological age was higher with every child she owned, if a woman was pregnant at the time measurements, her epigenetic age and, to a lesser extent, her telomeres, seemed "younger" than expected. "It's an interesting situation in which pregnancy gives the impression of being temporarily" young, "but there appears to be a lasting and cumulative relationship between the number of pregnancies and the accelerated biological age," noted Kuzawa.

Source: IANS
Source Image : Shutterstock

Published: July 26, 2018 21:19 pm

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