Here's how psychotherapy can help people with bipolar disorder


Needless to say, if one suffers from bipolar disorder, psychiatric help becomes necessary. To properly manage the disease, a psychiatrist prescribes medication to control the symptoms.

Bipolar disorder is a condition in which a person goes from a depressed state to a manic state. It is clbadified as a clbad of mood disorders where a person feels depressed for a minimum of two weeks followed by a manic episode where his energy level is high and he stays in this state for at least seven days in a row. However, one or the other of these moods can last between six and eight months in a row. Here are some facts about bipolar disorder that you need to know.

One thing about bipolar disorder is that, unlike other mental disorders, thoughts that torment the mind during these mood swings are not destructive in nature. They could either be too ambitious (when one is in the mania) or riddled with self-doubt (when one is in depression). Here's why men suffer more from this disorder than women.

Incidentally, there is no cure for bipolar disorder. The condition can be well managed with medication and therapy. Medication is the mainstay of treatment, but sometimes psychotherapy can also help better manage the disease. We spoke to Hvovi Bhagwagar, psychotherapist to find out how psychotherapy can help people with bipolar disorder; Here is what she has to say:

This is not the primary form of therapy: "Psychotherapy is not the main form of treatment of the disorder bipolar. The ideal way to get treatment would be to take medications prescribed by a psychiatrist. Remember that bipolar disorder occurs because of biochemical changes in the brain and so a proper medication is needed to treat the disease. However, psychotherapy can be offered or suggested in addition to the current treatment to cope better, "says Bhagwagar.

It helps treat depression and mania: "In bipolar disorder, depression is very common. Psychotherapy helps manage depression and negative emotions. As drugs bring a semblance into the biochemical balance of the brain, physiotherapy helps cope with emotional outbursts to cope with the condition. Since a person with bipolar disorder continues to oscillate from depression to mania, which are extreme emotions, psychotherapy helps to manage these emotions in a positive way and to balance the thought process, "he says. she.

Helps to cope with behavioral changes: "It is essential to make a good badessment before offering any psychotherapy to the patient. The history of depressive and manic episodes, triggers, mood changes and many other things are taken into consideration before the start of therapy. Often, the therapy helps to solve problems such as personality disorders, underlying trauma, depression, phobias and other problems that could trigger the disease, "says Bhagwagar

. In no event should the medication be discontinued or discontinued unless directed by the psychiatrist. In bipolar disorder, medications are usually never interrupted, doses can be adjusted according to the patient's condition and current diagnosis. With medications and therapy, it is possible to properly manage the condition and lead a normal life.

Source of the picture: Shutterstock

Posted: July 6, 2018 19:11 | Last updated: 6 July 2018 19h20

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