Here's why air pollution should not be your excuse for skipping workouts


Even though the fumes of traffic permeate the air, it is best for your heart to go out and exercise rather than sit all day, according to a recent study

. health benefits, including a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, exposure to air pollution has been linked to increased risk of heart attacks, asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), has said study author Nadine Kubesch of the University of Copenhagen in Denmark. declaration.

For the study, Kubesch and his colleagues examined data on exposure to air pollution, exercise habits, and hospitalizations or deaths related to heart attacks in 51,868 adults in Canada. Denmark aged 50 to 65 years. During an average follow-up period of almost 18 years, 3,660 participants, or 6%, had an initial or recurrent heart attack

People living in areas with high levels of air pollution were 17% more likely to have a heart attack during the study that residents of low pollution areas. , the study found. And those with a history of heart attack at the start of the study were 39% more likely to have a heart attack during follow-up when they lived in highly polluted areas.

Exercise, however, seemed to help even when people lived in polluted places. For example, adults who regularly played sports in areas with high air pollution were 21% less likely to have a heart attack than inactive people.

"Our study shows that physical activity even during exposure to air pollution. . . can reduce the risk of heart attack, "said Kubesch in a statement." Our research supports existing evidence that even moderate levels of regular physical activity, such as active commuting, are intense enough to achieve these benefits for health. "

Researchers examined sport, cycling, walking and gardening., except for a walk, badociated with a lower risk of heart attack.

Among those who already had a history of heart attack, cycling, gardening and walking were all badociated with a lower risk of a repeated episode. "It did not take much to make a difference either.

Compared to the people who had less than half an hour a week of physical activity, those who went from half an hour to four hours of exercise were 23% less The researchers examined only the # 39; Outdoor physical activity, half an hour to four hours a week was badociated with a first 19 percent drop in the first place. The risk of heart attack and more than four hours was badociated with a lower risk of 24%.

For repeated heart attacks, outdoor exercise also seemed helpful: half an hour to four hours of activity was badociated with a 45% lower risk

The study It was not a controlled experiment designed to prove whether or how exposure to pollution or exercise habits can have a direct impact on the risk of heart attack. Another limitation is that researchers lacked data on changes in participants' exercise habits or exposure to air pollution over time.

In addition, the study area did not include areas with exceptionally high pollution levels. It is also important to note that exercising in a place where air pollution is higher will not be as beneficial as the same physical activity in a place where the air is cleaner, has said Dr. George Thurston, director of the Human Exposure Program and "Exercise is beneficial for your heart, regardless of air pollution, but exercising low pollution is healthier than running in a strong pollution, "Thurston, who was not involved in the study, said by email. "This warning against the exercise of severe air pollution is even more important to consider if people have pre-existing respiratory or heart problems."

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