Higher BMI in young adults may increase risk of cardiovascular disease, study finds


Overweight in young adults can cause higher blood pressure and thicken the heart muscle, which opens the door to cardiovascular disease (CVD) later in life, according to a new study.

The findings, published in the journal Circulation, suggest that an increase in body mbad index (BMI), among study participants, resulted in systolic and diastolic blood pressure higher. "Our findings support efforts to reduce the body mbad index in a normal and healthy range from a young age to prevent heart disease later," said lead author Kaitlin H. Wade of University of Bristol Medical School in Great Britain. study, the researchers used data on several thousand healthy young people aged between 17 and 21 who participated in the ongoing study of children of the 90s.

"The thickening of the walls Vascular is widely considered to be the first sign of atherosclerosis. "However, our findings suggest that higher BMIs cause changes in the cardiac structure of young people that may precede changes in blood vessels," Wade added. researchers, this is the first study to explore whether a higher BMI causes adverse effects on the cardiovascular system in young adults.

Researchers also plan to investigate interaction between a BMI plus high and other possible pathological mechanisms, such as the abundance and diversity of microbes living in the intestine July 31, 2018 8:02

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