HIV: Get tested for free and know your status



HEALTH CAREERS strive to eliminate the stigma surrounding HIV testing and specifically target young Bahamians so that they know their serological status.

The Department of Health Gardens today to raise public awareness about the importance of knowledge of the status of citizens.

To ensure early diagnosis of HIV and "safeguard the health and well-being of all Bahamians", the ministry said "HIV test during the month of June

". Today will include free tests all day at the Royal Victoria Gardens on Shirley Street from 8 am to 4 pm

In a press release, the ministry revealed that HIV and AIDS Branishka Lewis, Acting Director of HIV / AIDS Center, confirmed the statistics on HIV / AIDS reported earlier this year by the Minister of Health, Dr. Duane Sands.At the time, the Minister revealed that 8667 people are living with HIV in the country

which indicates that in 2015, about 1 in 50 people were HIV-positive

Ms. Lewis explained that these results are the most recent because the data for the 2017 statistics still need to be completed.

"We have indeed found a decrease in the number of new HIV cases as well as a decrease in the number of AIDS-related deaths, "she said. We talked about babies born to HIV-positive mothers, she continued.

When asked what age groups were most vulnerable to contracting the virus, Ms. Lewis said: "The Tribune:" At present, our young people are the most vulnerable. we really want to see and we really want to target – that would be our 15 to 24 year olds, as well as 30-39. "

Ms. Lewis added," As with any other medical condition, the sooner you discover if "

She added that early tests" improve education and knowledge "as it is an opportunity for care providers to discuss" risks ".

This, in turn, may encourage people to avoid "high-risk activities" that could lead to STIs in the future.

She explained that the key is for people. to become aware of the ways in which HIV can and can not be transmitted, because many of the negative perceptions imposed on people living with HIV are due to "ignorance and fear".

"Once people are educated, they understand" Hey, it's good for my colleague to live with HIV, or for the restaurant where I go for the worker to be HIV-positive, "that's Is completely safe, so it will help to diminish it (the stigma), "she says

Ms. Lewis said that she believes that it can help to" normalize "HIV testing so that 39 it could be "another routine test", similar to the health fairs held for blood pressure and glucose testing, it shows that everyone does it, everyone gets tested for HIV, and it does not matter that "Oh, this person may be living in a particular lifestyle and not", no, everyone will do it, "she said.

Ms. Lewis stated that it contributed to raise public awareness of HIV and, by extension, reduce some of the stigma and discrimination badociated with the virus [19659019] "For HIV-positive people, this will help us connect them to care … because we can put you in touch with a doctor, provide you with free medicines," she said.

The free service, she explains, includes visits to the doctor. and medicines.

"Once a person is living with HIV medications, this will help reduce the risk that they will transmit the virus to other people. So it's even a method prevention, "she explained.

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