How Morning Exercise Can Increase Your Productivity


I had always found that getting out of bed was the most difficult test of the morning. After a few minutes of sleep, I fell asleep for hours, and this morning again the dizziness was gloomy.

Fortunately, I came across a simple, scientifically supported and incredibly healthy trick, to overcome the doldrums of dawn: exercise.

This may seem like torture at first, but here's why a few minutes of exercise each morning have completely transformed my mornings and my productivity.

Enjoy the benefits of exercise

One of the most common excuses for not doing exercise is that it is too difficult and you are in bad shape form. I know from experience: a few years ago, I was overweight and I could not run more than one block.

Then I was fed up with my appearance and how I felt and started trying to move. The walk became a run, the pumps were turned into a bench press and, before I knew it, I had more time to do everything I needed because I was sleeping. better, thanks to the exercise.

With more free time and a stronger concentration, I managed to juggle between medical school, cancer research and quite a lot of writing.

But none of this would have been possible if I had not stumbled on the morning exercises, which allowed me to overcome the rampage of the morning to be more awake and more productive.

The ticking of your internal clock

I was not the only one to feel tired in the morning. More than one in three Americans do not sleep enough, and most "nights of hypersensitivity" on weekends, thus offsetting their natural and daily pace.

Our body is programmed with an internal clock called "circadian rhythm" that works by oscillating levels of hormones such as melatonin (sleep hormone) and cortisol (stress hormone and awakening) ) All day long.

Cortisol is a powerful hormone that I've learned to use to my advantage in the morning.

Stimulating your hormone "awake"

I started exercising in the afternoon, which gave me the impression that my workouts were exhausting after a long day of work. Cortisol levels tend to drop naturally in the afternoons and evenings, which can weaken the sensation.

On the other hand, cortisol levels start rising at 3 am in most people's homes to help us wake up.

I really began to appreciate the effects of cortisol and exercise when I started running in the morning to avoid summer heat. Soon, I practiced a daily rotation of running, swimming, cycling or weight training, and getting up early did not seem like a chore.

A study from the University of North Carolina is just one of the many studies in which exercise is a great way to stimulate cortisol to make you feel more awake in the morning. The morning exercise exploits the already high levels of cortisol, which has helped me feel stronger and lighter.

Moreover, spending my afternoons in the mornings allowed me to sleep better and sleep more deeply, as shown by a study by the National Sleep Foundation. More sleep meant I felt more rested and ready to exercise and be productive the next morning.

My physical exercises also began to affect other parts of my life. I stopped relying on caffeine and sugar to spend the day. In fact, researchers at the University of Georgia have found that even 10 minutes of exercise are better at keeping watch than caffeine, and I can attest to that.

Doing things "because they are hard"

I was not born particularly well muscled or "well endowed". On the contrary, the key to my success has been the willingness to start with a little exercise in the morning and stick to it.

John F. Kennedy, speaking of the mission on the moon, once said that we do not do difficult things "because they are easy, but because they are difficult". Tomorrow morning, channel your inner JFK and force yourself to walk, run or maybe just do some pushups.

This will give you a much needed reason to get up, a much easier time to go to bed that night, and a much brighter day in between. At least I know that's what the morning exercises did for me.

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