How Red Dead Online could win me back


Red Dead Redemption 2 is a disappointment. After a few dozen hours with the cowboy simulator, I think it's an admirable creation, but I do not like to play it. The developer Rockstar Games is now preparing to launch its Red Dead Online mode in a beta version of tomorrow, November 27, and I am optimistic again.

Rockstar still has not given much details about Red Dead Online. So, I think most people badume that it is GTA Online with horses. It has a certain appeal, but it's not enough to bring me back. I also hope that Rockstar will bring substantial improvements to the underlying fundamentals of Red Dead Redemption 2 and GTA Online's infrastructure.

Snappier controls

Red Dead Redemption 2 has an archaic and complicated control system. I also do not expect Rockstar to do everything in its power to remedy this. While this has done little to modernize orders since Grand Theft Auto IV. My guess is that the developer thinks his plan is correct as it is.

But I'm waiting for Rockstar to improve the turnaround time.

The delay between moving the badog stick and when Arthur Morgan starts moving in Red Dead is very noticeable. EA motivator, Dan Lowe, published a video on Twitter that examined this shift and discovered that it was significantly superior to comparable games. This gives the impression that everything in Red Dead Redemption 2 is slow or "deliberate" if you are generous.

But if a slow motion is boring in a single-player game, it is a poison for an online experience. If you end up dying because you could not move enough your character from another player's horse, you will be frustrated.

Faster Loading Times and Better Organization

I have not played a lot of GTA Online, for a handful of reasons. In particular, charging times kill the rhythm. I also think that it is difficult to find fun and reliable content outside of the breaks. And even robbers often feel shattered because if you do not have a full four-man squad, you have to rely on Rockstar's notoriously toxic and unstable community.

For Red Dead Online, I would love to see a lot. less loading time. When I see them, I hope that they will be shorter than what you get in GTA Online. And more importantly, a long loading screen should not take me back to solo play if Red Dead Online can not find its opponents, which is what GTA Online is doing now.

Rockstar must also do something about how it surfaces its different types of play. In GTA Online, you can search through different mode lists, but these lists contain virtually no data to help you understand what you are about to do. Red Dead Online could use something like a more detailed community tagging system to solve this problem.

Next, I hope Rockstar will rethink the experience of the multiplayer robbery or equivalent of Red Dead. In GTA Online, you can only start certain Heist missions if you have four players. And if one of your four players leaves the table, you will automatically fail. The developer worked to reduce these requirements. For example, you can perform some of the most recent Heist missions as a two-player team. Hopefully Rockstar continues to move in this direction.

Better Systems to Interact with the World and Other Players

Finally, I wish Red Dead Online to fulfill the World's promise of Red Dead Redemption 2.

One of My Largest L One of the problems of the single player experience is that every moment is logged. I never had the impression that Rockstar was entrusting me with the control of his systems to be able to create my own entertainment. So that's what I want from Red Dead Online.

If this multiplayer mode is just a way out with friends on scripted missions, you can count on me. But if Rockstar gives me the means to be creative, I'm very interested.

For example, can I do something like running rackets in a city with my gang? And then should I just go out and shoot a rival crew trying to smudge my stores under my care, or could I easily set up an ambush against them by placing a juicy calash on the outside of their camp? ? It does not have to work exactly like that, but I want some freedom to be creative. And this is the opportunity for Rockstar to entrust it to us.

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