Hry has 23.6% tobacco users, reveals a study


Nearly one quarter, 23.6 percent of adults – 15 years old and over – in Haryana use tobacco in one form or the other. This includes 39.1% of men and 6.3% of women, revealed the Global Adult Tobacco Survey 2 (GATS 2).

19.7% of adults, of whom 33.1% are men and 4.8% are women, smoke tobacco. The prevalence of smokeless tobacco among adults in Haryana was 6.3%, of which 10% men and 2.2% women, revealed the GATS 2 published by the Haryana government

24.8% come from rural areas. Bidi and hukkah are the two most commonly used tobacco products in the state. 15.5% and 7.6% of adults smoke respectively bidi and hukkah.

Despite the ban on gutka, pan masala and other similar products containing tobacco in the state, the prevalence of smoking and smokeless tobacco remained unchanged. 2009-10) to the GATS 2 (2016-17)

The prevalence of smoking remained at 23.6% in the GATS 2, as in the GATS 1, says the report .

However, the prevalence of smoking Among young people aged 15 to 17, the average age of initiation to smoking rose from zero to eighteen in the previous study to four in the GATS 2. Similarly, the average age of initiation of smoking rose from 18 to 19.3 years. Given the prevalence of youth smoking, the state government had announced the day before that it would form district-level steering committees to completely ban the sale of tobacco and tobacco in the periphery of the district. medical and educational institutions of Haryan.

The study also pointed out that 55% were advised by a health care provider to quit smoking and 46.6% of smokeless tobacco users were asked to quit smoking without smoke. In addition, 40.4% of cigarette smokers and 57.2% of bidis smokers thought to quit smoking because of the warning label, while 64.6% of smokers smoked tobacco thought to quit smoke-free because of the warning label. In addition, 52.9% of all adults who worked indoors were exposed to second-hand smoke at their place of work, while 32.6% were exposed to second-hand smoke in a public place. 65.2% of adults are exposed to tobacco smoke at home.

The average monthly consumption of cigarettes (for daily smokers) is 1349.4 rupees while the average monthly expenditure for the bidi (for daily bidi) is 184.2 rupees. According to health experts, smoking and second-hand smoke are major causes of cardiovascular disease, including heart attacks and strokes, contributing to about three million deaths a year.

. According to the World Health Organization, more than half of Indian adults did not know that smoking could cause a stroke.

In the first phase of the GATS conducted in 2009-2010, there were 3.8% of cigarette smokers. Percentage in the second phase of the survey conducted in 2016-17 in Haryana.

37.4% of smokers have tried to quit in the last 12 months, while 55.2% are thinking of quitting, the latest survey added.

A total of 991 men and 1,514 women were interviewed for the survey.

The Global Survey of Adult Smoking is a global standard for routine surveillance of adult smoking and monitoring of key indicators of tobacco control. The GATS is a household survey conducted in all states of the country and in two territories of the Union.

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