Huge setback for Tata Steel abroad! EU opens in-depth investigation into merger with German steel company here's why


  Tata Steel, Tata Steel Abroad, German Metallurgical Company, European Commission, ThyssenKrupp "At this stage, the Commission is concerned that, as a result of the transaction, customers will be faced with a choice reduced suppliers as well as higher prices. , "The European Commission, the bloc's executive body, said in a statement.

The European Union on Tuesday opened an in-depth investigation into the proposed creation of a joint venture between the European Union and the European Union. Indian india Tata Steel and German ThyssenKrupp. Reduce competition. "At this stage, the commission fears that after the transaction, customers will be faced with a reduced choice of suppliers and higher prices. high, "said the European Commission, the executive arm of the bloc, in a statement.

details are expected.)

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