'I went from veganism to Keto diet and I lost 27kgs'


Everything changed when I got married in 2014. It was wonderful – I had the impression of finally being able to relax, having met someone who would have me. loved for who I was inside, not only outside – but I also lost

My life seemed to me to be a constant celebration – constantly eating out or taking a few Cocktails every night – which was great fun, but not good for my body (or my emotional and mental health)). A lower back injury caused by a car accident at this time also made the workouts painful.

Basically, it was the perfect storm. I slowly fell into a rut – and the thing about the ruts is that one day you wake up and you are there.

Here's the thing: I knew exactly why I was gaining weight – and I still could not stop myself.

Years of pageant coaching have led me to become a kind of health coach for my clients. I would tell them to eat at home, for example, because in this way you can control what goes into your food.

Related: What is the ketogenic diet and should you try?


Katie Boyd Babbine

But the busy schedules my husband and I kept meant that we were eating constantly. (Chips sounds much better than a salad when you're tired and overwhelmed from working a 16-hour day.)

I was also vegan, which did not help me – all that I ate carbohydrates, which made me constantly hungry

When I did not recognize the person who was looking at me in the mirror, I knew I had to change.

My husband loves to take a tropical vacation, and that has made me so unsafe to be on the beach or at the pool in my swimsuit. When someone asked me what I was doing to make a living and that I was answering that I was a pageant coach, they were looking at me, perplexed, all of this being reinforced by the fact that I had to do whatever something different.

go pescatarian. Adding fish to my diet slowly helped my body out of veganism.

After about six months of pescatore diet, I added chicken or beef to the paleo and removed most carbohydrates. After six months, I started to feel better and more focused – but I had lost only a few pounds.

As I had worked so hard to bring meat back into my diet, I decided to give something else. a sudden: the keto diet

My body began to change drastically on the keto diet

A quick primer on the keto diet if you're not familiar with it: It's a rich in fat, low carb, moderate-protein that forces your body into a state of ketosis (where you burn fat instead of carbohydrates).

RELATIVELY: 5 common mistakes made by people in the ketogenic diet


Katie Boyd Babbine

It was hard at first (I had to cut out my beloved starchy carbs, with any sweets), but eventually I had the sway of things and actually started to enjoy it. I lost about 35 pounds in the first six months

Here's what a typical day of the keto diet looks like:

Breakfast: Coffee with butter and butter Grbad ghee with MCT oil
Lunch: a huge salad of arugula, romaine lettuce and greens mixed with goat cheese, caramelized onions, lemon chicken and with rosemary, pecans and a homemade balsamic vinaigrette. : Roasted salmon in crushed pecans crust and Dijon mustard with asparagus topped with truffle oil
Snacks: Keto bark (Lily chocolate mix with walnut oil coconut, crushed macadamia nuts and unsweetened shredded coconut flakes)

Once I started losing weight, I felt comfortable to train myself to new.

I found an amazing orthopedic doctor who sent me to physiotherapy for my back injury and I started receiving cortisone injections. help with my pain


Kaite Boyd Babbine

I was able to start training slowly, about three days a week at the gym, doing a mix of light weights and cardio slow but stable. After a few months of that, I lost another 7 kilos.

Keto is not always easy

Sometimes I slip back and I eat something that is not keto-approved – but I do not punish myself. I just think that tomorrow is a new day and I have to start from scratch.

I never feel deprived of keto, which is huge for my happiness. I always make sure to have handy tasty keto snacks: single serving guacamole, cheese, walnut bars, I can even have tasty pork crusts. And while I cook a lot at home, I always make sure to check out the restaurant menus beforehand when I decide to offer myself a dinner.

But it's not just a question of weight loss. a commitment to exercise helped me start putting myself first, which ultimately made me a healthier and happier person.

RELATIVELY: 7 Things That Will Happen to Your Body

This article was originally published in Women's Health US

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