IBM is a French language translator Watson in the form of a computer Artificial Intelligence (AI)
"Watson Translator service offers multiple domain-specific translation models," can be customized and has the capability of translating documents (MS Office files) while preserving their format, "Karan Bajwa, Managing Director at IBM India, said in a LinkedIn post
Representational image. Wikimedia Commons.
Watson's deep learning methods, help with understanding and cognitive capabilities, and the ability to understand Bajwa pointed out. It can embed in the context of translation, but it can not be translated into other languages, but it can not be translated.
Available in Application Programming Interface (API), anyone can embed service functionality to translate applications, websites, documents, chats, real-time messages and more.
"The potential application of this service in health care is immense."
"On the business side, this could change the way how retail, telecom and banking sectors engages, where the customer connects is a key differentiator, "Bajwa said. [1965901!0] function (f, b, e, g, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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