If you have these personality traits, you are most likely to suffer from anxiety


Anxiety is a condition characterized by feelings of tension. Studies have shown that people who suffer from various anxiety disorders show similar personality traits.

  If you have these personality traits, you are most likely to suffer from anxiety

Anxiety is one of the most common disorders affecting people in the world [19659004] HIGHLIGHTS

  1. Overthinking is a horrible trait that could lead to anxiety
  2. Too much anxiety can affect the cognitive development of a person
  3. Anxious people tend to create scenarios in their head

Anxiety is a condition characterized by feelings of tension. The mild anxiety is vague and embarrbading; but too much anxiety can turn into a disorder that affects the total cognitive development of a person. Anxiety is one of the most common disorders affecting people around the world. Feelings of anxiety are more likely to occur when the reaction of the situation is not the same as expected. It may be accompanied by physical symptoms such as nausea and high blood pressure. Studies have shown that people who suffer from various anxiety disorders show similarities in their personality. These personality traits can also aggravate existing anxiety. Some characteristics that you possess may indicate a risk of developing an anxiety disorder. Therefore, it is necessary for you to know if you have the disease or not and should therefore seek treatment for it. All anxiety disorders can be treated effectively.


Anxiety is one of the most common disorders affecting people in the world [19659011] Also read: 6 types of anxiety disorders you need to know about

Here 7 personality traits strongly related to an increased risk of anxiety disorders:

1. Overthinking

Overthinking is a horrible part of the personality that Anxiety and burnout are partners in crime When you take into account all the decisions and actions that you or your loved ones make, this creates a sense of urgency. Anxiety, including the obsession with what you said, did not say or should say. it makes us think and overestimate everything, and the consequences of self-transcendence are never beautiful.

2. Perfectionism

The reason for perfectionism is badociated with anxiety, it is that anguish wants everything to be perfect in the messy world. d around us. Perfectionism is not the desire to do well, but perfection is the desire to do the perfect job. Anxiety and perfectionism are worsening each other. Even a small mistake can make a person anxious and make him fear mistakes. To achieve perfectionism, a person will spend more time on a task than necessary. Two types of anxiety disorders badociated with perfectionism are generalized anxiety disorder and social anxiety disorder.

Also read: 7 Signs that you may have a functional anxiety disorder: knowing the symptoms

3. Resistance to change

Resistance to change is a common personality trait in people who suffer from anxiety. Those who suffer from anxiety are usually concerned about changing their lifestyle. They start to feel anxious when it comes to trying something new. Anxiety forces a person to focus on the possible negative outcomes that might accompany the change. For them, a small change might mean going out of their comfort zone.


It is difficult for people with anxiety to accept
Photo Credit: iStock

4. Empathy

Anxiety sufferers are often empathic, they still want the people around them to feel good about themselves, and high levels of anxiety can influence empathy levels. . People with a high level of empathy have a strong desire to improve everything: their consideration of what others think can make them obsessed with their social interactions, making them feel guilty or embarrbaded by small mistakes [19659024] (TOC): Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

5. Irritability

Irritability and anxiety are strongly badociated.Persons with extreme anxiety become irritable and upset too easily.Anxiety sufferers feel irritated by the life in a constant state of anxiety. The outside world seems to be intrusive and agitated. When such symptoms prevail, it is important to ask for help.

6. The extreme imagination

Everyone with imagination is not subject to anxiety disorders, but when the imagination is extremely complex, it becomes a symptom of anxiety. Anxious people tend to create scenarios in their head. When these scenarios are not completed or the situation does not seem to go as planned, the state of anxiety prevails.


Not everyone with imagination is prone to anxiety disorders, but when the imagination is extremely complex, it becomes a symptom of anxiety
Photo credit: iStock

7. Avoidance

Avoidance is a trait of personality that relates to anxiety Anxious people are likely to avoid the things that cause Instead of facing a difficult situation, they tend to escape, which avoids being anxious, which becomes a vicious circle.

Signs & Symptoms

Disclaimer: This content, including tips, is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute in any way a substitute for opinion of medical experts you have never heard . [19659040] [ad_2]
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