IFFCO launches e-commerce platform for farmers looks at sales of USD 5 billion in 2 years


IFFCO Major Fertilizer is badociated with Singapore-based iMandi technology company to launch an e-commerce platform for farmers with an investment of about 80 million rupees.

An e-commerce application, "IFFCO iMandi", was launched that would cover 5.5 crores farmers already badociated with the cooperative. A web portal has also been developed.

IFFCO eBazar Ltd., a subsidiary of IFFCO, took a 26% stake in iMandi Pte Ltd. The remaining 74% belongs to I-tech Holdings and other investors.

"After leading the campaign in India to raise farmers' awareness of the use of online and digital transactions, we are proud to offer an IFFCO iMandi ™ application, a one-stop shop for agricultural inputs and services. agricultural products, consumer goods, electronics, loans, insurance, etc. "Director General of IFFCO US Awasthi

iMandi would meet all the needs of the farming community and aims to meet the needs of 55 million farmers in captivity, he added. VK Agarwal, founder of iMandi Pte, said that about $ 12 million had already been invested to launch this application and this portal, while an additional $ 18 million would be injected to add more features, including the Facilitated for "

" We aim to reach the GMV (Gross Market Value) of $ 5 billion in the next two years, "he added.

iMandi is available for download on Play Store and App Store for Android and iOS Phones and accessible on the Web at www.iffcoimandi.in

Besides the buy-sell, the application offers features such as communication (chat and call), entertainment and informational / advisory content to maintain farmers' engagement [19659002] In the agricultural input market, farmers can currently purchase all IFFCO products, including fertilizer, agrochemicals and seeds at a reduced price and get free delivery at their doorstep. They will also be able to sell their products online at the best price.

IFFCO, headquartered in Delhi, has 35,000 member companies. The cooperative posted a turnover of Rs 20,787 crore during the last fiscal year. It produced nearly 8 million tonnes and sold 10.3 million tonnes of fertilizer between 2017 and 1818.

(This story was not edited by Business Standard staff and is generated automatically from a syndicated feed.)

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