IHH Healthcare Reviews Fortis Capex and Financing Requirements


  Tan See Leng, CEO of IHH Healthcare, and three other company executives were appointed to Fortis Healthcare's Board of Directors on Tuesday.

Tan See Leng, CEO of IHH Healthcare, and three other company officials were appointed to Fortis Healthcare's board of directors on Tuesday.

New Delhi: IHH Healthcare Bhd to Review Fortis Healthcare Ltd's Projects and Capital Expenditures, Malaysian Health Gathering Wednesday One Day After Injected 4,000 Crore in Hospital Chain cash-strapped, headquartered in India, We will review all projects, investment needs and study the overall financing needed, "said the general manager of IHH Healthcare. Managing Director and Managing Director (CEO) Tan See Leng.

"Although we have set aside 4,000 crores of rupees, we are well aware that we will need more money to really examine capital and capital expenditures. Tan and two other IHH Healthcare managers were appointed to Fortis Healthcare's board on Tuesday.

This decision followed the acquisition of 31.1% of the Malaysian health care chain in Fortis Healthcare for 4,000,000,000 crore.

Management is in the process of selecting candidates for the positions of Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer. Meanwhile, a transition team has been formed, consisting of former Fortis President Bhavdeep Singh, Fortis President Ravi Rajagopal and Daljeet Singh, a former confidant of founder Shivinder Singh.

"We started the process … as soon as we became aware of Bhavdeep's intention. we quickly formed a transition team. IHH will also work with the transition team. The search will be done quickly enough. We are on the verge of reducing the number of candidates. The announcement will arrive very soon, "Tan said.

The mandatory open public offering aimed at acquiring up to 26% of the enlarged capital of existing shareholders of Fortis at ₹ 170 per share, subject to a counterpart of up to 3,300 crore, would be completed

Rajagopal, president of Fortis, called Tuesday, November 13 to a strong day for Fortis.

"It ended months ago. uncertainty, a period during which our doctors were not sure whether they could take care of their patients, our employees did not know if their salaries would be paid and the bankers did not know if their loans would be repaid. With the capital injection of Tuesday and the arrival of IHH, our goal will now be to develop the business, "said Rajagopal.

In the absence of plan Specifically to change the brand immediately, Mr Tan said his priority was to stabilize Fortis faces headwinds. "We will now restore and stabilize Fortis, including in its daily activities," he said.

Tan, along with other IHH Healthcare executives visiting India Tuesday for three days, held a public meeting with experienced doctors in Fortis Gurgaon and broadcast live all Fortis centers

"This transition will be smooth and, importantly, Fortis patients will continue to receive the same quality of clinical care without interruption." Together, IHH will ensure that Fortis becomes the leading provider of medical care. in India N We hope to expand the footprint aggressively abroad, strengthen its track record, cooperate with governance and clinical governance, "Tan said.

First published: Thu, November 15, 2018. 01 21 IST
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