IHH Healthcare submits new offer for Fortis


IHH Healthcare Berhad of Malaysia announced today that it has made a new firm offer to the Board of Directors of Fortis Healthcare.

The firm offer is valid until July 16, 2018, IHH Healthcare Berhad stated in a deposit settlement.

IHH today issued a letter to the Fortis Board of Directors "presenting a binding offer, which replaces and replaces the revised revised proposal," she adds.

"In the event that IHH does not receive any response from Fortis No later than 5 pm, on July 16, 2018, the firm offer will be deemed withdrawn," said IHH Healthcare Berhad

but did not agree. did not provide details on the size of the offer.

Short of money Fortis Healthcare had set July 3 as the deadline for submission of new firm offers. The company had previously abandoned its decision to opt for the Munjal-Burman reaper's offer to invest Rs 1,800 crore in the company.

Earlier, Fortis Healthcare had received mandatory offers from four contenders – Munjal-Burman Combine, TPG-Manipal Consortium, IHH Healthcare Berhad of Malaysia and Radiant Life Care supported by KKR

Fosun Healthcare of China. had not made firm offer for the company

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