IMC 2018: Qualcomm introduces a smartphone prototype that supports 4G and 5G technologies


Mobile chip maker Qualcomm has introduced its smartphone prototype supporting both 4G and the upcoming 5G technology at the Indian Mobile Phone Congress 2018 here.

5G technology – which promises faster data speeds and reduced latency – is expected to be commercially deployed by telecom operators in markets such as North America and Korea in the first half of the year. 2019.

"This is our reference design for 4G and 5G smartphones. In addition, (it supports) millimeter wavebands (mm) and bands below 6 GHz, so it's all inclusive. This represents the type of devices we will be seeing from the first half of 2019 with the launch of 5G smartphones …, "said Durga Malladi, senior vice president of Qualcomm Technologies Technologies, at PTI.

He added that the company has been badociated with 19 OEMs around the world for 5G technology.

"Many OEMs are very popular in India … the ecosystem of equipment and infrastructure is going to be in place … which means spectrum is available for Indian and Indian operators. operators are ready to launch, navigation should be relatively smooth, "he said.

Asked about the expected price of 5G handsets, Malladi declined to comment, claiming that it would depend on the manufacturer of the handset.

Companies generally bring in new technology features via high-end devices, which are then extended to cheaper models as technology becomes more common and more expensive.

"We are committed in India for a long time on 5G … both in terms of what's going on in the rest of the world, what bands should be considered, etc. … this information is something we are working closely with the Ministry of Telecommunications.

"This is an early commitment and I hope that as the spectrum is allocated and the operators will be t ready to launch, everything else will be in place, "he added.

This is published unedited from the PTI stream.

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