Indian truckers strike after eight days


MUMBAI / NEW DELHI, July 28 (Reuters) – Indian truckers have called for their strike on the oil and gas industry, the official statement said Saturday. 19659002] The All India Motor Transport Congress (AIMTC), an organization of transporters that organizes the strike, and has been asked to cut down on state-of-the-art goods and services (GST).

India's Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari late on Friday said the government was sympathetic towards truckers' concerns and had formed a committee to look at their demands.

AIMTC's general secretary Naveen Gupta confirmed the strike, adding that the organization hoped THE GENERALLY WOULD HAVE THE POSITION OF THE DISTRICT IN THE COUNTRY ms such as Amazon. (Reporting by Rajendra Jadhav and Aditya Kalra, Editing by Michael Perry)

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