Industry growth slips to the 7-month low of 3.2% in May


Industrial production growth reached a seven-month low of 3.2% in May, mainly due to weak manufacturing and energy performance, combined with weak badet performance fast-moving consumption (FMCG).

The growth in industrial production measured by the Industrial Production Index (IPI) was revised to 4.8% in April from previous estimates of 4.9%, according to data released today. 39 by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CSO).

The IIP had risen 2.9% in May of last year. The previous low of industrial production growth was 1.8% in October 2017.

During the period from April to May, the IIP grew by 4.4% compared to 3.1% in the same period last year.

The manufacturing sector, which accounts for 77.63% of the index, rose only 2.8% in May, compared to 2.6% in the same period last year .

Growth in electricity production slowed sharply to 4.2% in the month, compared with a peak of 8.3% a year ago.

Production in the mining sector posted impressive growth of 5.7% in May, compared to 0.3% in May of last year.

The consumer products sector was the weakest performer in the user-based goods segment, with output declining 2.6% compared to 9.7% a year ago.

According to the use-based clbadification, the growth rates in May 2018 compared to May 2017 are 5.7% in primary goods, 7.6% in capital goods, 0, 9% in intermediate goods and 4.9% in goods of infrastructure / construction. Durable consumer goods grew by 4.3% in the month under review.

The computer, electronic and optical product manufacturing industry group recorded the highest positive growth of 27 percent, followed by 21.1 percent in the manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers. 13.2 per cent in furniture manufacturing.

In contrast, the "other manufacturing" industry group had the largest negative growth of (-) 31.9%, followed by (-) 15.6% of "tobacco product manufacturing" and (-) ) of 12.8% in "the manufacture of clothing, it is said

In terms of industries, 13 of the 23 manufacturing industry groups posted positive growth in May 2018 compared to the corresponding month of the previous year, according to an official statement.

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